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Jatgeir No, lord: that were to buy the crown too dear. King Skule Bethink you well: 'tis greater to be a king than a skald. Jatgeir Not always. King Skule 'Tis but your unsung songs you must sacrifice! Jatgeir Songs unsung are ever the fairest. King Skule But I must I must have one who can trust in me! Only one. I feel it: had I that I were saved! Jatgeir Trust in yourself and you will be saved!

Jatgeir 'Twas what I noted in my lodgings. The townsmen whisper together secretly, and laugh mockingly, and ask if we be well assured that King Hakon is in the west land: there is somewhat they are in glee over. King Skule They are men of Viken, and therefore against me.

Though Earl Haakon, the king's brother, who had hoped to be king, died, as we have said, before him, there was another brother named Skule who was quite as ambitious and of whom the Birchlegs were much afraid. A body-guard of these faithful warriors took charge of the boy as soon as King Inge was dead, with orders to follow him day and night.

In The Pretenders the rival factions of Haakon and Skule stand outside the cathedral of Bergen, intently awaiting the result of the ordeal which is proceeding within; and though they do not there and then come to blows, the air is electrical with their conflicting ambitions and passions.

Jatgeir My soul has a like shyness; therefore I do not strip me when there are many in the hall. Who taught you skaldcraft? Jatgeir Skaldcraft can not be taught, my lord. King Skule Can not be taught? How came it then? Jatgeir I got the gift of sorrow, and I was a skald. King Skule Then 'tis the gift of sorrow the skald has need of?

He kept very still, so that they might think he was asleep, and he heard Skule say: 'Let us first get the golden key from him, and when we have taken from the chest as much as we can carry we will put him to death, lest he should betray us to our father. Then Wayland took a large sword which lay by his side and hid it behind his seat, and he had scarcely done so when the princes entered the prison.

Jatgeir You would have to search long for such a man. Will you be a son to me? You shall have Norway's crown to your heritage the whole land shall be yours, if you will be a son to me, and live for my life work, and believe in me. Jatgeir And what should be my warranty that I did not feign ? King Skule Give up your calling in life, sing no more songs, and then will I believe you!

I met a biscut shooter in the chance saloon when i was blowin my coin in ratoon while the coin lasted i owned her an the town but when it was gone she throwed me down. An so i say she dont need no tooter be she skule mam or biscut shooter she fooled me an my hart she stole which has opened my eyes an hurt my sole." Miss Hazelton laid the manuscript in her lap and laughed heartily.

"Cum er long hunny an' let yer mammy fix yer 'spectabul, so yer ken go to skule. Yer mammy is 'tarmined ter gib yer all de book larning dar is ter be had eben ef she has ter lib on bred an' herrin's, an' die en de a'ms house."

King Skule. And whom call you the unsound doubter? Jatgeir. He who doubts of his own doubt. That methinks were death. Jatgeir. 'T is worse; 't is neither day nor night. Where are my weapons? I will fight and act, not think. IBSEN: The Pretenders, Act iv. A gentleman once told me that he rarely passed another in the street without wondering if he had not accosted him in an improper manner.