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"Hum ha!" he barked. "Is the minister hum ha! is Mr. Ellery in?" "Yes, he's in." "Tell him I want to see him." The housekeeper announced the visitor. "He's as sour as a skimmin' of last week's milk," she whispered. "Don't be afraid of him, though." "Oh, I'm not. Show him in." "All right. Say, Mr. Ellery, it's none of my business, but I wouldn't say anything about your seein' Grace home.

That got him goin'. Rowley drops the potatoes, and in another minute we're neck-deep in the science of makin' an ore puddin', doin' stunts with the steam, skimmin' dividends off the pot, and coinin' the slag into dollars. I ain't lettin' him slip over any gen'ral propositions on me, either. I'm right there with the Missouri stuff.

"I dozn't keer a tinker's baad 'apenny whether tha knaw 'ow to 'rite tha mizchief or to read it, or whether king o' England is eatin' 'umble pie to the U-nited States top man, or noa, I keerz nawt aboot it, noben way or t'other. My boys 'as got to laarn draawin' crops out o' fields, an' my gels must put 'and to milkin' and skimmin' cream an' makin' foinest butter as iver went to market.

Another minute and we'd left the Katrina behind like she had seven anchors out. On we went and up once more, turnin' with a dizzy swoop and skimmin' past her, back towards where we started from. And just as I was wishin' he'd go faster and higher we settles down on the water, dashes in behind the dock, the motor slows up, the plane floats drag in the mud, and it's all over.