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Aweel, to mak a lang tale short, up cam my young Lord Evandale, skelping as fast as his horse could trot, and twenty red-coats at his back. Twa or three chields wad needs fight, wi' the pistol and the whinger in the tae hand, and the Bible in the tother, and they got their crouns weel cloured; but there wasna muckle skaith dune, for Evandale aye cried to scatter us, but to spare life."

God sends meat, and the Devil sends Cooks. Had-I-fish, was never good with Garlick. He that is welcome fares well. He that spends his geir on a whore, hes both shame and skaith. Hunger is good Kitchir-meat. He mon have leave to speak that cannot had his tongue. He that is far from his geir, is near his skaith. He that lippens to bon plows, his land will ly ley. He rides sicker that fell never.

There'll be nae skaith to yoursel' if I keep ye here; far frae that, I think ye'll be a hantle better by it. There'll be nae skaith to the kintry just ae mair Hielantman hangit Gude kens, a guid riddance! On the ither hand it would be considerable skaith to me if I would let you free.

However, come o't what like, there's an honest man, a kinsman o' my ain, maun come by nae skaith. Is there ony body here wad do a gude deed for MacGregor? he may repay it, though his hands be now tied." The Highlander who had delivered the letter to the Duke replied, "I'll do your will for you, MacGregor; and I'll gang back up the glen on purpose."