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And he refused to take any pay for it, in a sort of surprise that such a simple act of hospitality should have any commercial value. But travelers themselves destroy one of their chief pleasures.

Yet if she was amused she did not show it; and her pleasure at meeting the simple, elemental products of the plains outweighed a great deal her sense of the ludicrous. "How are your patients getting along?" she presently asked of her foreman. "I reckon all right. I sent Reddy for a doc, but " "He got off," murmured Mac pensively. "I'll go rope another hawss," put in the man who had got off.

The poor do not share their tastes nor understand their art-criticisms. They do not want the simple life, nor the esthetic life; on the contrary, they want very much to wallow in all the costly vulgarities from which the elect souls among the rich turn away with loathing. It is by surfeit and not by abstinence that they will be cured of their hankering after unwholesome sweets.

"Oh, that's quite simple. I need only say that my dress wasn't ready, or that my cab came late. There is always some excuse." "How charming of you."

With a few exceptions, every bedroom and every study had a large window opening outdoors. There were carpets on the floors, and bookshelves in the studies, and the black walnut furniture was simple in design.

Thenceforward, neither would ever say to the other, "Do you love me as well as ever?" or "Are you sure you can never change?" for theirs were natures to which such tender doubt and curiosity were foreign. It was not the age of introversion or analytical love; they were sound, simple, fervent natures, and believed forever in the great truth which had come to them.

The absence of any protest against this tempts us to declare on this question of marriage there are no conventional people; and that everyone of us is at heart a good Christian sexually. But the question is not so simple as that.

The evening is longed for by them because he will be at home; and they especially enjoy Sunday because he is with them all day. Thus possessing their perfect confidence and affection, he finds that the simple display of his approbation or disapprobation gives him abundant power of control.

No happiness, he understood, could be complete that did not also include them all; and he longed to tell them. The thought and the desire tore across him burningly. "If only I can get this back to them!" passed through him, like a flame. "I'll save the world by bringing it again to simple things! I've only got to tell it and all will understand at once and follow!"

Such was the offer. It was a choice between vassalage, serfdom, or destruction outright. Simple enough in its beginnings, this became a ramified system of oppression, a curious network of authority, ingeniously controlling an entire people.