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And the groom wheeled round to face her, and touched his forehead again, his face one smile of delight. "Ay, would I, miss! Proud to do it. Many's the one I've taught to ride in my time. You settle any hour you like, and I'll have the horses ready for you, and take you a turn across the park. There's some old side-saddles put away in the loft. I'll have 'em down, and put in order for ye.

They take on awful about her ridin’ in pants, an’ it certainly is a heap more modest than ridin’ straddle in a hitched up caliker skirt, same as some of them do." "And do all the women out here ride astride?" Mary gasped. "A good many does, when you ain’t watchin’; horses in these parts ain’t broke for no such lopsided foolishness as side-saddles.

'Tis so many years since he has bestridden a horse that he said that he should be ill at ease riding with such a party, and that he would therefore go on quietly, with Hal walking beside him, and would join us when we came to Hoo." They mounted at once. Dame De Courcy rode on a pillion behind Sir Ralph. Aline bestrode for side-saddles had not yet come into use her own pony.

Side-saddles for ladies are an invention of comparatively recent date. The first seen in England was made for Anne of Bohemia, wife of Richard the Second, and was probably more like a pillion than the side-saddle of the present day.

At length, pouting her pretty lips and complaining of her hard lot, she said it was time to go back to her prison; but all the time I was engaged in forcing back the bolt into its place she chattered without ceasing. "Adieu, Sun, husband of the moon," she said. "Adieu, sweet, sweet friend, buyer of side-saddles! They were all lies you told I know, I know.

"Neither can I argue you out of your feeling about the matter; but I am disposed to agree with your friend, that you will often spoil a good nurse to make a poor doctor. Doctors and side-saddles don't seem to me to go together. Riding habits would be awkward things for practitioners. But come, we won't have a controversy just now.

"Neither can I argue you out of your feeling about the matter; but I am disposed to agree with your friend, that you will often spoil a good nurse to make a poor doctor. Doctors and side-saddles don't seem to me to go together. Riding habits would be awkward things for practitioners. But come, we won't have a controversy just now.

"But I've got to do something or break loose." "Shivering side-saddles!" exclaimed Nat Anderson. "Let's have a burglar scare." "How?" asked Sam. "I'll think of a plan," Nat went on. "Howling huckleberries, but I too am pining for a little excitement, Jack." "Well, trot out your plan," Jack said. "We haven't got much time."

I can hear you exclaim over that plural, but there are no side-saddles. That is how it came that I was unchaperoned Agatha won't take liberties with them, the saddles. Thank Heaven!" There followed much more, with only one further reference to Trevison: "He must be nearly thirty now, but he doesn't look it, he's so boyish.

What of him, or her, or it?" "Enough, that though you are evidently ambitious of playing his despotic role at Le Bocage, you will never succeed in reducing me to that condition of abject subjugation necessary to make me endure the perusal of 'female poetry. I have always desired an opportunity of voting my cordial thanks to the wit who expressed so felicitously my own thorough conviction, that Pegasus had an unconquerable repugnance, hatred, to side-saddles.