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On certain clear nights not less than two hundred bundles were taken. As to the gleaning of fields and vineyards, Les Aigues lost, as Sibilet had pointed out, not less than one quarter of its products.

Gaubertin's exclamation, though easy to understand from this summary of young Sibilet's life, needs a few more explanatory details. Adolphe Sibilet, supremely unlucky, as we have shown by the foregoing sketch of him, was one of those men who cannot reach the heart of a woman except by way of the altar and the mayor's office.

Vermichel, Brunet's assistant, went to the Grand-I-Vert this morning, ostensibly after Pere Fourchon; and Marie Tonsard, who is intimate with Bonnebault, ran off at once to give the alarm at Conches. The depredations have begun again." "A strong show of authority is becoming daily more and more necessary," said Sibilet. "What did I tell you?" cried the general.

Gaubertin himself saved Mademoiselle Laguerre's life during the Revolution, but it seemed to others that he was robbing her. She rewarded him in her will with a diamond worth ten thousand francs, which Madame Gaubertin now wears on her head." The general gave Sibilet another glance still more diplomatic than the first; but the steward seemed to take no notice of the challenge it expressed.

A few moments later the general, with Michaud and Sibilet, was crossing the meadows, while Madame de Montcornet, with the abbe and Blondet, was on her way to the gate of the Avonne. Michaud related the scene that had just taken place at the Grand-I-Vert. "Vatel did wrong," said Sibilet. "They made that plain to him at once," replied Michaud, "by blinding him; but that's nothing.

Les Aigues thus received the last touch which made it a choice example of all the diverse elegancies of four centuries. In 1821 the general was almost peremptorily urged by Sibilet to be at Les Aigues before the month of May. Important matters had to be decided.

Soudry's speech gives a fair idea of the opinion which now grew up against the master of Les Aigues from Conches to Ville-aux-Fayes, and wherever else the public mind could be reached and poisoned by Gaubertin. The installation of Sibilet took place in the autumn of 1817.

If I do lose the suit against the Gravelots, a money wound is not mortal, and I'll have the leasing of my forest so well advertised that there will be competition, and I shall sell the timber at its true value." "Business is not done in that way, Monsieur le comte," said Sibilet. "Suppose you get no lessees, what will you do?" "Cut the timber myself and sell it "

"We may go far," said Madame Soudry, "before we find any one to suit the place as well as our poor Sibilet." "Made to order!" exclaimed Gaubertin, still scarlet with mortification. "Lupin," he added, turning to the notary, who was present, "go to Ville-aux-Fayes and whisper it to Marechal, in case that big fire-eater asks his advice."

The count, misled by Sibilet, reassured by Michaud, congratulated himself on his firmness, and thanked his wife for having contributed by her benevolence to the immense comfort of their tranquillity. The question of the sale of his timber was laid aside till he should go to Paris and arrange with the dealers.