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"But Adeline determined Juan's wedding In her own mind, and that's enough for woman; But then with whom? There was the sage Miss Redding, Miss Raw, Miss Flaw, Miss Showman and Miss Knowman, And the two fair co-heiresses Giltbedding. She deem'd his merits something more than common. All these were unobjectionable matches, And might go on, it well wound up, like watches."

The traveling salesman seems to thrive upon miles of railroad travel as do the crews of the trains, but the virtuoso, dragged from concert to concert by his showman, grows tired oh, so tired, pale, wan, listless and indifferent! At the beginning of the season he is quite another person.

Those in the crowd who were curious enough to turn, beheld the colonel with a handkerchief to his eyes, his shoulders heaving. Somehow the colonel's noisy grief failed to excite the sympathy of those assembled. It was suspected that the wrecked showman was playing for sympathy.

She swung on her perch and made queer noises to herself. Then she grew tired. She threw herself on the bottom of the cage and began to moan, "Come quick! Come quick! Polly's sick! Polly's sick!" Then Peggy came with the black cloth, and General Polly was taken to her pen. Next it was little Dot's turn to show her cat family. She was too shy to play showman as Bob had done.

"We public men," replies the showman, meekly, "must lay our account, sometimes, to meet an uncandid severity of criticism. But merely for your own pleasure, sir let me entreat you to take another point of view.

Thus is this splendid testimony of national gratitude to the Great Duke of Marlborough made a show of for the emolument of the servants of the establishment; each of them demanding his fee as regularly as a showman of wild beasts at a fair demands a shilling at the entrance. This is considered by foreigners as a disgrace to the British character, and it is justly considered so.

He's locked up in their waggon down that side street. Oh, please make them come and let him out." "Is this true?" said the officer sternly to the showman, who had heard every word. "Have you got his dog?" "'Tisn't his, it's mine. The young rascal stole him from me and now wants to make out it's his own." "But you said just now you hadn't got another dog. When did he steal it?"

"Ain't got anything like that on your conscience, have you?" demanded the old showman, bluntly. "She didn't say anything only about women, did she?" evaded the Cap'n. "Didn't notice anything last night. She may be savin' something else for this evenin'," was Hiram's consoling answer.

"By nature an organizer of men and systems, he is his own best executive officer. No one knows so well as he how men may be best governed, and no one can so pleasantly polish off the rough sides of mankind. Successful beyond the usual measure as an intelligent, courteous and considerate showman, he has already proved himself the most acceptable of Mayors."

Sorber. "Just born with a nateral hate for us, I guess. Anyway, I seen there was likely to be a big clem that's what we say for 'fight' in the show business and I didn't get far from the lions no, ma'am!" "Were you afraid some of the bad men might hurt your lions, sir?" asked Dot, with anxiety. "You can't never tell what a man that's mad is going to do," admitted the old showman, seriously.