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Johnson cried out verry loud and angry, 'That was a Paggann sentyment, sir, and I am asham'd that a Xtian gentelmann shou'd repete it as a subject for admerashun. Betwene these heathen men and ye followers of Christ their is all ye differenc betwene a slave and a servent of a kind Master.

Congreve cou'd not be pleased with: And if the Town shou'd be so refin'd to admit of nothing but what is Natural, we can't expect that ever he will gratifie us with another Tragedy. Durfey and Motteux wou'd write no more Farces; Guildon and Tom. Brown, &c. wou'd be the Saints with wry Mouthes and scrue'd Faces: Mr.

If I might be admitted to kiss her sweet lips again, or once more press her divinely rising breasts, perhaps my vigour wou'd revive, which now I believe lyes opprest by witchcraft. I shou'd dispense with my reproaches, shou'd forget that I was beat; esteem my being turn'd out of doors, a sport; so I might be again happy in her favours."

Qualities which shou'd be always united; so that the Genius may be capable of teaching properly to different Persons, the Application of the Rules which are acquired by Experience.

Why, what's in Diana, that you shou'd not love her? Bel. I must confess she has a thousand Virtues, The least of which wou'd bless another Man; But, Sir, I hope, if I am so unhappy As not to love that Lady, you will pardon me. Lord. Indeed, Sir, but I will not; love me this Lady, and marry me this Lady, or I will teach you what it is to refuse such a Lady. Bel.

'Tis certainly the surprize to find so much gallantry and courage in a Man of his mean birth, that has caused this disorder in my Soul were he my Equal I should think it was Love had seized me, but Oh! far be it from me to debase myself so far Yet, again would she retort, what can I wish in Man that is not to be found in this too lovely Slave?... Besides, who knows but that his Descent may be otherwise than he pretends I have heard of Princes who have wandered in strange disguises he may be in reality as far above me as he seems beneath.... The thought that there was a possibility for such a thing to be, had no sooner entered into her head than she indulged it with an infinity of rapture, she painted him in Imagination the most desperate dying Lover that ever was, represented the transports she shou'd be in when the blest discovery shou'd be made, held long discourses with him, and formed answers such as she supposed he wou'd make on such an occasion.

If then ye being evil know To give your children good gifts, how much rather To them that ask him shall your heav'nly Father. Then what you wou'd men shou'd to you, so do To them: for that's the law and prophets too.

I'm for any thing that's out of the common Road of Sin; I love a Man that will be damn'd for something: to creep by slow degrees to Hell, as if he were afraid the World shou'd see which way he went, I scorn it, 'tis like a Conventicler No, give me a Man, who to be certain of's Damnation, will break a solemn Vow to a contracted Maid. Sir Tim.

I dare not name him, Sir, lest this small Beauty which you say adorns me, shou'd gain him your displeasure; he's in your presence, Sir, and is your Slave. Car. Such Innocence this plain Confession shows, name me the man, and I'll resign thee back to him. Fran. A Pox of his Civility. Ant. Car. Take her, young Man, and with it both your Ransoms. Guil.

Now am I afraid to walk in this Garden, lest I shou'd spy my own natural Wife lying with the Great Turk in Fresco, upon some of these fine fiowry Banks, and learning how to make Cuckolds in Turkey. Enter Guzman and Jacinta. Guz. Nay, dear Jacinta, cast an eye of pity on me. What, deny the Vizier Bassa? Jac. When you are honest Guzman again, I'll tell you a piece of my mind. Guz.