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Caroline appeared to be pained by the subject, and was glad when Louisa sounded his mysterious behaviour by saying: 'Evan has a native love of concealment he must be humoured. At the supper, Mr. Raikes made his bow. He was modest and reserved. It was known that this young gentleman acted as shopman there.

I have always figured to myself Trollope's novels as all written on a long endless scroll of paper rolled on an iron axis, nailed up in his study. The publishers approach to buy so many yards of fiction, and shopman Anthony, scissors in hand, unrolls the scroll and snips it off at the desired point.

He should then be met to his appointment in some private field, where he would receive his dog on condition that no questions should be asked. Mr. Lang sent his shopman, about half-past ten at night, to White Conduit Fields to meet the parties, who, on receiving the ticket, delivered up the dog.

He bolted himself in; pulled out his watch; and laid it on the counter. 'Upon my life and soul! said a low voice in the next box to the shopman who was in treaty with him, 'you must make it more; you must make it a trifle more, you must indeed! You must dispense with one half-quarter of an ounce in weighing out your pound of flesh, my best of friends, and make it two-and-six.

Her mother had a bill at that shop should she should she just go in and ask about prices? No, she could not in that horrid old frock; the shopman would not respect her.

I turned about, and there was Gip quite preoccupied with the shopman, and thinking no evil. They were whispering together and looking at me. Gip was standing on a little stool, and the shopman was holding a sort of big drum in his hand. "Hide and seek, dadda!" cried Gip. "You're He!" And before I could do anything to prevent it, the shopman had clapped the big drum over him.

Are you akin to that packman with a squint in his eye, as used to bring th' Irish linen?" "Look you there now!" said Bob, evasively. "Didn't I know as you'd remember the best bargains you've made in your life was made wi' packmen? Why, you see even a squintin' packman's better nor a shopman as can see straight.

The words caused Rigou to give the little jump with which crafty natures recognize the craft of others. "The Shopman has another vice," he said; "he loves his wife; we might get hold of him that way." "We ought to find out how far she really influences him," said Madame Soudry. "There's the rub!" said Lupin.

"I do not want a poor merino," I said. "I would rather get some other stuff if I can. I do not want to give more than a dollar." "The young lady may find what will suit her at the plaid counter," said the shopman, letting fall the rich drapery he had been holding up. "Just round that corner, sir, to the left." Dr. Sandford led the way, and I followed.

The purchaser moves toward the door. He comes back, and offers one third of the very most ultimate price. The shopman, with a gentle desperation, declares that the thing cost him as much. He cannot really take the offer. He regrets, but he cannot. That the gentleman would say something more! So much for example. That he regard the stuff, its quality, fashion, beauty.