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Dicky and Oswald lugged the hamper down to the shop that has Carter Paterson's board outside. "I vote we don't pay the carriage," said Dicky, but that was perhaps because he was still so very angry about being pulled off the train. Oswald had not had it done to him, so he said that we ought to pay the carriage.

Because he left particular word that if Captain Cuttle called, I should tell him how surprised he was, not to have seen him yesterday, and should make him stop till he came back. 'Do you know where Captain Cuttle lives? asked Florence. Rob replied in the affirmative, and turning to a greasy parchment book on the shop desk, read the address aloud.

On your way, old scout, or I'll step on you. Let's see if we can hoof it down to the village at a trot without taking the count." He had but two errands to execute. The first was accomplished expeditely in the little tobacconist's shop under the arcade, where the purchase of a box of Minghetti cigars promised later solace.

You may not have chosen your church wholly with an eye to your shop; but you must admit that you see as good and better men than you are doing that every day.

The next door was a laceman's, and the journeyman being at the door, the lady sent her servant to desire him to speak a word or two to her; and when he came, says the lady to him, Pray, how long has Mr 's shop been shut up? Laceman. About a month, madam. Lady. What! is Mr dead? Laceman. No, madam, he is not dead. Lady. What then, pray? Laceman. Something worse, madam; he has had some misfortunes.

It stood on the other side of the hall between an Oriental cabinet and a sixteenth-century Italian cabinet for all the world as if it were standing in a crowded curiosity shop with the natural effect that the three pieces, by their mere incongruity, took something each from the beauty of the other.

'Yes, my child; you have been very good, you have made me very happy. You'll be a marchioness. Who would have thought I'd have lived to see all this honour when I served in the little shop at Galway! At the mention of the shop Violet recovered her composure, and mother and daughter listened to the receding footfalls. 'I wonder if he is happy, Violet murmured; 'as happy as I am.

"Hullo, father!" I sang out, when we had got a little way out from the pontoon and opened the mouth of the harbour, noticing, as I looked over my shoulder to see how we were steering, a string of flags being run up aboard the old Saint Vincent. "They're signalling away like mad this morning all over the shop!

If I see six bonnets I can tell the one I want in five minutes. If I see six hundred I come away without any bonnet at all. Don't you know a little shop?" Fate takes the young man or the young woman aside. "Come into this village, my dear," says Fate; "into this by-street of this salubrious suburb, into this social circle, into this church, into this chapel.

At length he rose up, and lo! his face was wet with tears; and all the people rose also, and with a noise throughout the place; and the man made a low obeisance to them that were nigh him, the which they returned with equal reverence, and then with downcast eyes he walked slowly from the shop.