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He made some sort of newspaper arrangement with a book-store in Cleveland, which was the means of enriching our home library with a goodly number of books, shop-worn, but none the worse for that, and new in the only way that books need be new to the lover of them. They had at once a great influence upon me.

I like to get hold of them, and look them through, and turn them wrong side out, and pull them to pieces to find how much life there is in them. Psychological vivisection is not a subject for the humane society. A trite saying has my sympathy. It generally is stupid and shop-worn, and consequently is banished to polite society and hated by the clever.

"I never can wear old shoes. They are simply ruination to one's feet. As for cheap shoes never! Of course, these are bargains merely because they are a bit shop-worn." "Shall I send these, lady?" asked the clerk. "Ye-es No! I had better take them with me. Wrap them up in as small a package as possible." Josie noticed a fat roll of greenbacks as the woman paid for her purchases.

Blackwood's store was usually crowded with goods of every description, but the war had all but wrecked his trade, and his stock was scanty and shop-worn. "How do you do, Marion?" said he, when the girl entered. He had known her from childhood. "How do you do, Mr. Blackwood?" she returned. "Pretty fairly, for an old man, Marion. That is, so far as my health goes. Business is very poor, though."

Critics, in praising her charms, delved into mythology and folk-lore for comparisons, until there wasn't a goddess left on Olympus or on Northland's icy capes; and when these images became a little shop-worn, referred to certain masterpieces of the old fellows who had left nothing more to be said in oils. Nora enjoyed it all.

Well, I think the American people are tired of hearing the same old excuses. Together we made a commitment to balance the budget. Now let's keep it. As for those suggestions that the answer is higher taxes, the American people have repeatedly rejected that shop-worn advice. They know that we don't have deficits because people are taxed too little.

Experience seems to teach that while they cannot come to us, we may sometimes go to them." My wife and Mrs. Fletcher were both indignant at this banter, and accused Morgan of want of faith, and even lack of affection for Margaret; in short, of worldly-mindedness himself. "Perhaps I am rather shop-worn," he confessed.

It very often happens that books otherwise pretty well bound have torn corners, or rubbed or shop-worn backs, or shabby marbled paper frayed at the sides, or some other defect, which may be cured by mending or furbishing up, without re-binding.

Experience seems to teach that while they cannot come to us, we may sometimes go to them." My wife and Mrs. Fletcher were both indignant at this banter, and accused Morgan of want of faith, and even lack of affection for Margaret; in short, of worldly-mindedness himself. "Perhaps I am rather shop-worn," he confessed.

"Yes," returned Bertrand, "Paris is murmuring again. Louis hasn't stopped eating yet, and the French think it's time his dinner was over." "Ha!" cried Bonaparte in ecstasy. "I thought so. He's too much of a revivalist to suit Paris. Furthermore, I'm told he's brought out his shop-worn aristocracy to dazzle France again.