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We perceive, that, amid all its imperfections and aberrations, it has been the truest voice of intuition, amid the lamentations of the believer in 'total depravity, and the bargaining of the expediency-seeking experimentalist. While the one represented Virtue as a Nun and the other as a Shop-woman, the Law of Honor drew her as a Queen, faulty, perhaps, but free-born and royal.

Now, this careful dame, about a year and a half before our story commences, chanced to need, in the line of her profession, a better sort of servant, or rather shop-woman. "Mr.

Now, this careful dame, about a year and a half before our story commences, chanced to need, in the line of her profession, a better sort of servant, or rather shop-woman. "Mr.

"Yes," suggested Jacob, "but still you need not work any longer: you have earned some rest for your old days; besides, your legs are not so young as they were." "As to my legs," cried Mrs. Worse, with a gesture of impatience, "my legs are quite good enough for a shop-woman." "Well, why not get a horse and carriage? You have every right to have one."

"That woman is crazy," said the shop-woman; "some one ought to follow her." But no one could have kept up with Leontine; she flew. A physician may explain how it is that these ladies of fashion, whose strength never finds employment, reveal such powers in the critical moments of life.

It taxed the powers of the women to their utmost to keep up the supply. Orders poured in, orders were repeated; customers called to assure Mrs. Day that while she lived to do it for them they would never be bothered to make the stuff again. Others came with the intention to wheedle the receipt from the shop-woman.

She looked at him with a bewildered air, and went on speaking to the young woman at the door. "How much might your weekly receipts be in a place like this? And what salary does Miss Miss What's-her-name give to each of you? You're the head shop-woman, I suppose?" Hilary made no answer: she scarcely heard. All her mind was full of but one thing: "Never see Ascott any more!"

Then she was in the toy department of the Magazin du Louvre and a shop-woman was shewing her toy rabbits that ran in circles, five francs each. She awoke at noon; the sore throat was gone, her bones no longer ached and the great beach lay under the heat of noon, humming like a stretched string to the touch of the sea.

To Betty's eyes, Godfrey looked rather funny when he came out of the gay little painted door with a flower-covered bandbox slung over his right arm. She had thought it just a little mean that the shop-woman should give Timmy Janet's hat in a paper-bag.

Do you think I could wear those diamonds again, while that termagant shop-woman can say that her money bought them? No. If you are my husband's friend you will do this for for his sake." She stopped, locked and interlocked her cold fingers before her, and said, hesitating and mechanically, "You meant well, Captain Poindexter, in bringing me here, I know!