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I said, "Oh, isn't it!" and then I gazed at it very hard and attentively so as to give her a chance to wipe the spot of jelly from her shirtwaist. She had been eating her luncheon too. She had carried it wrapped up in the funneled magazine. She had been ashamed to acknowledge that she needed to be economical, too. I saw it all in a flash.

Robert was tall and thin, with an olive face and dark eyes which gave the impression of an uncomfortable penetration. She was dressed simply in a shirtwaist and a dark skirt, but Honora thought her striking looking. The grandchildren, playing on and off the porch, seemed legion, and they were besieging Susan.

Abbott came to one of her luncheons attired in a pique skirt and severe shirtwaist, impeccably cut and worn, but entirely out of place in an Italian palace, where forty fashionable women, some of whom had motored sixty miles to attend the function, were dressed as they would be at a Newport luncheon, Mrs. But one morning Mrs. Abbott caught Mrs.

With the exception of the hat, he had disturbed no part of the apparel. Even the folds of the raincoat, which fell away from the body and showed the rain-soaked black skirt, he left as he had found them. The white shirtwaist, also partly exposed now, was dry. "Anybody move her hat before I came out?" he asked; "you, judge; or you, Mr. Webster?"

For smoothly starched and green was her whole shirtwaist, and carefully tied and green was her neat stock. Eva whispered jubilantly to Morris Mogilewsky, and another rumour swept the ranks.

She slipped her skirt from under her coat and with her blue-cold hand passed the flat brush back and forth over the muddy hem. "If I had a bit o' black for my shoes now with your clothes I could get me a housemaid's job easy," Her muffler covered the fact that she had no shirtwaist. Then she added encouragingly: "You'd better get a job quick.

On the motherly shirtwaist of each of their wives was a badge "Sir Knight's Lady." The Duluth delegation had brought their famous Beaver amateur band, in Zouave costumes of green velvet jacket, blue trousers, and scarlet fez.

He's lost a heap of blood but there ain't anything he won't get over that is, if you can get him out of this hole." The man seemed competent enough, although, abandoning his practice to join the gold rush, he had brought few of the tools of his trade with him. He gathered handkerchiefs and Solange ripped open her flannel shirtwaist and tore the lingerie beneath it to furnish him additional cloth.

Morrow saw standing near the elevator door, a lithe, well-rounded girl with brown hair and great gray eyes that were fixed on him. She was in the regulation summer-girl attire blue Eton suit, pink shirtwaist, sailor hat, and russet shoes. He hastened to her. "Miss Hunt, I have the honour to return your bracelet."

Even the long tedious hours of waiting before it started were packed with significance. There we all were, rich and poor; society women and working girls; teachers, stenographers, shirtwaist makers; actresses, mothers, sales-women; Catholic and Protestant; Jew and Gentile; black and white; German, French, Pole and Italian all there, gathered together by one great common interest.