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"Some hundreds of years ago oh! ever so many long before the present Japanese Empire was founded, in fact, there was a man named Shin Shira Scaramanga Manousa Yama Hawa " "Good gracious!" I exclaimed.

It was given to me by the King of Hearts very many years ago. Ha-ha-ha!" And Shin Shira laughed heartily at what was evidently a humorous recollection. "Won't you tell me about it, please?" said I. "I don't know," replied the Dwarf, "that there is much to tell.

I had arrived at no definite decision as to what was best to be done, however, by eleven the next morning, when, punctual to the minute, Shin Shira, looking very spruce and alert, knocked at my door. I noticed with considerable interest that he wore in his turban the diamond which I had so often admired, and he saw me looking at it at once.

The day after my little friend had related to me his experiences in the land of the King and Queen of Hearts, I was surprised to receive a portmanteau addressed to me, which, on my opening it, I found to contain the little yellow costume, including the turban with the diamond ornament, which Shin Shira had always worn.

He goes to the Gold Coast. Do I not know it the white man's grave?" "But this Glen Shira," said she, pretending merriment, "it's the white girl's grave for me, Duncan. Should not I be glad to be getting out of it?" And now her eyes were suffused with tears though her lips were smiling. "I know, I know," said he, casting a glance up that lone valley that was so much their common grief.

The entire journey on the whole, however, was decidedly tedious, and I was very glad to find myself at last in the ancient city of Baghdad. I went at once to the British Consul there and told him my object in coming to the city. "Shin Shira!" he exclaimed. "Why, there is scarcely anything talked about in these days but Shin Shira.

Then there were ropes and things, and pegs driven into the ground to tie the poles to, and a trestle table and two long forms each side. That's all. Oh, yes, and Piggott & Son, Tentmakers, was written in big letters on the stripey stuff." "Ah!" said Shin Shira, "I think I shall be able to imagine it sufficiently well now.

I was just about to say that I thought we had sufficient, when Shin Shira called my attention to a balloon hovering just above our heads. There were two people in the basket, and they were peering at us over the edge through glasses. Presently one of them shouted an order, and the balloon quickly descended, so that we could hear the rush of escaping gas as it was being released.

The woods of Shira Glen were empty for her after that, I have no doubt, now that their rambles were concluded; she was lonely on the Dhuloch-side, where many a time he convoyed her home in the summer gloaming. He came back a tired man, a man hashed about with wounds and voyaging, cold nights, wet marches, bitter cruel fare, not the same at all in make or fashion, or in gaiety, that went away.

"By all means," I replied, "if you think best," for you see, having ridden on it myself, I felt perfectly safe in trusting my young cousin on the Magic Carpet, and I felt sure that Shin Shira would not let him come to any harm. So we opened the window, and a minute later the two were gaily floating away out of sight, both energetically waving their pocket-handkerchiefs until they disappeared.