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Then he tightened his broad leather belt about his heavy shirt, cocked his little hat over his ear, and walked over in the corner to select a peavey from the lot the blacksmith had just put in shape. A peavey is like a cant-hook except that it is pointed at the end. Thus it can be used either as a hook or a pike. At the same moment Shearer, similarly attired and equipped, appeared in the doorway.

About the middle of April I received the 3000 head of sheep from Maxwell's ranch and took my assistant, Mark Shearer to Calhoun's ranch to get the other 1000 head. I had left the camp in good trim there near Maxwell's and everything was progressing nicely with my sheep on the grass with good herders. At Calhoun ranch we were delayed on account of Calhoun having to shear the sheep.

The chaps in the bar of Stiffner's shanty were talking about Macquarie, an absent shearer who seemed, from their conversation, to be better known than liked by them. "I ain't seen Macquarie for ever so long," remarked Box-o'-Tricks, after a pause. "Wonder where he could 'a' got to?" "Jail, p'r'aps or hell," growled Barcoo. "He ain't much loss, any road."

Till that time not a shearer will come to your gate, except, perhaps, one or two useless, characterless men. Are you to tolerate bad workmanship? Not that either. But try all other means with your men before you resort to harshness; and be quite certain that your sentence is just, and that you can afford the defection.

Shearer has paid $3800 for his property, which, besides the land, consists of a modern two-story brick house, with barn, chicken-yard, and orchard, the whole surrounded by a neat fence. He has also raised and educated a family of three children. There are no secrets, Mr. Shearer says, about his method of farming.

And there were little villages, with neat stations well placarded with showy advertisements mainly of almost too self-righteous brands of "sheepdip." If that is the name and I think it is. It is a stuff like tar, and is dabbed on to places where the shearer clips a piece out of the sheep.

Never did the sheep turn upon her shearer with a more commanding front. Her voice was calm, her enunciation a little slow, but perfectly distinct, and she stood before him as she spoke, in the simplest and most maidenly attitude. 'No, she said, 'Mr. Naseby will have the goodness to go home at once, and you will go to bed.

Just one half day later it had to be done again, and for the same reason. This time Thorpe went back with Shearer. No one was at the dam, but the gates were closed. The two opened them again. That very evening a man rode up on horseback inquiring for Mr. Thorpe. "I'm he," said the young fellow. The man thereupon dismounted and served a paper.

The place of the scripture which he read was this, He was led as a sheep to the slaughter; and like a lamb dumb before his shearer, so opened He not His mouth: 33. In His humiliation His judgment was taken away; and who shall declare His generation? for His life is taken from the earth. 34.

Duty made it plain to him; solely on account of Joan. "I'd rather be a foot-loose shearer, herdin' in between like I do, than the richest sheepman on the range," said Dad. "They're tied down to one little spot; they work out a hole in their piece of the earth like a worm. It ain't no life. I can have more fun on forty dollars than Tim Sullivan can out of forty thousand."