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Fortunately, after experiencing some difficulty in crossing the mouth of the Cumberland, which was belching forth a volume of yellow water that carried the shanty-boat out some distance, despite their efforts, they finally managed to find a place to stay for the night.

Rough bunks, or berths, are constructed for sleeping-quarters; but if the family are the happy possessors of any furniture, it is put on board, and adds greatly to their respectability. A number of steel traps, with the usual double-barrelled gun, or rifle, and a good supply of ammunition, constitute the most important supplies of the shanty-boat, and are never forgotten.

What makes my heart rejoice is that there's so much goodness around that I bet 'most anybody's got a right smart chanct to get shut of slippin' down the claybanks into hell." "Jest Prebol?" someone asked, seeing Prebol's face in the window of the little red shanty-boat moored close by, where he, too, could listen. "Jest Prebol's been my guide down the riveh," the Prophet retorted.

And as he started up, thrilled with a sensation of coming peril, he felt a new motion to the shanty-boat that portended trouble. "The cable's broken, pard, and we're afloat!" he shouted, as the equally bewildered Thad struggled up alongside him. After that one feeling of horror both the boys recovered more or less of their ordinary ability to meet danger, and overcome it.

The river, as he well knew, was always a freakish thing, and apt to rise or fall at any time, according to the amount of rainfall along its feeders. Just now it had commenced to rapidly decline, and as a result the shanty-boat had been grounded.

From sharp gusts with near calms between the wind grew till it was a steady, driving storm that flattened against the shanty-boat sides, and whistled and roared through the trees up the bank. And instead of dying down at dusk, it increased so much that the big acetylene light was not hung out, and if any one came down to the opposite shore he saw that there would be no game that night.

His wife had "gone back on him," and he was left with two little boys, whom he proposed to bring up as gentlemen "yaas, sir-r, gen'lem'n, yew hear me! ef I is only a shanty-boat feller!" "I thote I'd come to visit uv ye," he had said by way of introduction; "ye're frum a city, ain't yer? Yaas, I jist thote hit. City folks is a more 'com'dat'n' 'n country folks. Why?

She was just one of those shanty-boat girls who come down the Mississippi every once in a while, especially below St. Louis. In a hundred cities and towns people were looking for Mrs. Augustus Carline, supposed to be cutting a dashing figure, and probably in company with a certain Dick Asunder, who had been seen in Chester, with his big black automobile on the same day that Mrs.

Could anything make this life down here anything written, I mean seem uninteresting?" He looked at her without answering. What was this she was saying? What was this shanty-boat woman, this runaway wife, talking about? He was dazed at being transported so suddenly from his observations to such reflections. "That's right," he replied, inanely. "I remember reading that somewhere!"

Carline, here, that I knew you, that I'd seen you before! I'm glad to see you boys again. Catch a line there." No doubt about it, they were old friends. In a minute they were shaking hands all around, then went into the shanty-boat, and they sat down in assorted chairs, and Doss, Jet, and Cope exchanged the gossip of a river year.