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And the coaches, too, although they dissembled their feelings under cheerful countenances, found much to condemn, and the operations of bathing, dressing, and weighing that afternoon were less enjoyable to the breathless, tattered men. The next day the team "went into executive session," as Joel called it, and the predicted shake-up took place.

That evening Anthony Cardew had a visit from the police, and considerable fiery talk took place in his library. As a result there was a shake-up in city politics, and a change in the penitentiary management, for Anthony Cardew had a heavy hand and a bitter memory. And a little cloud on his horizon grew and finally settled down over his life, turning it gray.

Leary operated in Chicago, under the guise of a confectionery shop, one of the stations of the underground railroad, and assisted the brotherhood in disposing of their ill-gotten wares. A recent reform wave in Chicago had caused a shake-up in the police department, most disturbing to the preying powers.

See here, Slade, you get out on this job, now, and do it damned quick, you understand, or there'll be some shake-up in your office and in the White House, too. When I buy and pay for tools, I insist that the tools work. If they don't !" He snatched up a pencil from the desk, broke it in half and threw the pieces on the floor. "Like that!" said he, and stamped on them. Waldron nodded approval.

"I thought the last Police Department shake-up had put a stop to that." "Perhaps it has," returned Kennedy. "Did you see who was in the car?" "No, but I see it has turned and is coming back." "It was Inspector I mean, First Deputy O'Connor. I thought he recognised us as he whizzed along, and I guess he did, too. Ah, congratulations, O'Connor!

It was perhaps two weeks later that a serious shake-up occurred in the office force, of which no one seemed to know the cause. There was a mad scramble for advancement all along the line, in which Kirk took no part. But unexpectedly Runnels summoned him to his office. "How would you like an inside position?" said the Master of Transportation, eying him keenly. "So soon?"

He rushed into print, like some of the others, and his expressions were made matter for consideration at the monthly meeting of the ministers of his own denomination. "I'll resign!" said Dr. Gowdy. "You'll do nothing of the sort," said his wife. "Of course I sha'n't," he returned. Then the Squash invaded the Academy. The shake-up came; Professor English was removed; and Dr.

Never no more can I go up on them there Downs, was it ever so!" "Now don't you take on like that," said his wife, who was a VERY sensible woman: "but tell us all about it first, whatever it is as has given you this shake-up, and then me and you and the son here, between us, we ought to be able to get to the bottom of it!" "It began some nights ago," said the shepherd.

She was actually on her feet; she had been walking again, and would always be able to walk! Karin experienced the greatest mental shake-up she had ever felt in her life, and at the same time the greatest sense of happiness. She had the feeling that she was under God's special care and protection, and that God Himself had sent a holy man to her house to strengthen her and to heal her.

My nerves had hardly grown quiet after this affair when they got another shake-up one which utterly unmanned me for a moment: a rumor swept suddenly through the camp that one of the barkeepers had fallen over a precipice! However, it turned out that it was only a chaplain.