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And one of the girls had gone, leaving her just sipped grenadine syrup and seltzer-water. But it had been like some flitting unreality of a dream. At his blinking recovery the remaining girl laughed again. "You look like a somnambulist." He replied: "I beg pardon, Mademoiselle, but I was absorbed in my reflections." "Black ones hein? They have made you little infidelities?" He frowned. "They?

There were the champagne-flasks which poor Jack Belsize had emptied, the tall seltzer-water bottle, from which the gases had issued and mingled with the hot air of the previous night's talk; glasses with dregs of liquor, ashes of cigars, or their black stumps, strewing the cloth; the dead men, the burst guns of yesterday's battle. Early as it was, his neighbour J. J had been up before him.

The duke himself rather preferred a game of piquet or cart with Captain Mildmay, and sometimes retired with a troop to a distant, but still visible, apartment, where they played with billiard-balls games which were not billiards. The ladies had retired, the duke had taken his glass of seltzer-water, and had disappeared.

How picturesque and polite he was, to be sure, as he kept picking up our beer-bottles when they rolled about the deck! put in Mat, who had the dark youth safely in her sketch-book, with eyes as big and black as blots. 'The solemn one at Tours, who squirted seltzer-water out of window at the beggars, without a smile, was very funny.

The same thing was asked, I believe, of the male inhabitants, who get comforters, and also that they should drink seltzer-water whenever their lower natures urged them to drink rum; but comforters are so much smaller than petticoats that the men of Symford's sense of justice rebelled, and since the only time they ever felt really warm and happy and good was when they were drinking rum they decided that on the whole it would be more in accordance with their benefactress's wishes to go on doing it.

Sir Alessandro Tamburini! Sir Agostino Velluti! They have all the yellow ribbon. They are all honorable, and clever, and distinguished artists. Let us elbow through the rooms, make a bow to the lady of the house, give a nod to Sir George Thrum, who is leading the orchestra, and go and get some champagne and seltzer-water from Sir Richard Gunter, who is presiding at the buffet.

Sartoris, as he busied himself in opening a bottle of seltzer-water, "now I am down here I must see Trotbury Cathedral. I suppose it's easy enough to slip over by rail from Commonstone." "Oh dear, yes," replied Jim; "but hang it, that's an idea!

The King then asked if there was any scientific man in Bruehl capable of analysing the liquid; to which my father replied that no such person could be found nearer than Cologne or Bonn. Hereupon a dog was brought in from the stables, and, having been made to swallow about a quarter of a pint of the Seltzer-water, was presently taken with convulsions, and died on the spot.

I saw two hands put out to take the glass; a brown hand and a white his hand, and the hand of Monsieur Maurice. I saw yes, before Heaven! as I live to remember and record it, I saw the brown hand grasp the tumbler and dash it to the ground! "Pshaw!" said Monsieur Maurice, brushing the Seltzer-water impatiently from his sleeve, "how came you to upset it?"

Let us drink no more of the fascinating liquors of our native Champagne. Let us remember Hannibal and Capua; and, before we plunge into dissipation, that we have Rome still to conquer! "Soldiers! Seltzer-water is good after too much drink. Wait awhile, and your Emperor will lead you into a Seltzer-water country.