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And still no one passed. Suddenly the soft whistling of a tune came through the hot air. A tune she had learned in Paris. "C'etait deux amants." "Hi!" cried Betty in a voice that was not at all like her voice. "Help! Au secours!" she added on second thoughts. "Where are you?" came a voice. How alike all Englishmen's voices seemed in a foreign land! "Here on the island!

The long low point of land beside which they lay; the town in front, with a flood of cold sunlight resting on its low round tower, and the white sugar-loaf shaped monument, which was once the sailor's landmark the lofty chapel piously dedicated to Notre Dame de Bons Secours now superseding it the broad mouth of the Seine and the Norman shore, bending away to the right all these photographed themselves on Lucia's memory as the first-seen features of that new world where her life was henceforth to be passed.

The name inscribed upon her book is the Viscount Maurice de Gramont, and his last residence the château of his father, Count Tristan de Gramont, in Brittany, near Rennes. I took upon myself the responsibility of calling a physician, Dr. Dupont, and, through his advice, of engaging this good 'sister, one of the 'soeurs de bon secours, as a nurse. Dr.

When a man had been wounded, he was carried to the poste de secours in the rear lines, and it was our duty to go to this trench post and carry the patient to the hospital at the nearest rail-head. The bureau of the Section was in charge of two Frenchmen who shared the labor of attending to the telephone and keeping the books.

All discipline evades it; it comes to compose sedition, and is itself full of it; would chastise disobedience, and itself is the example; and, employed for the defence of the laws, rebels against its own. What a condition are we in! Our physic makes us sick! "Nostre mal s'empoisonne Du secours qu'on luy donne." "Exuperat magis, aegrescitque medendo."

They asked me, several times, if I was suffering, and offered to go on to the poste de secours if I wanted them to. It was not heavy bombardment, but it would be safer to wait for a little while. I told them that I was ready to go on at any time, but not to hurry on my account; I was quite comfortable. The light glimmering down the stairway faded out and we were in complete darkness.

This low overhead is a record in the annals of large philanthropic undertaking, and is a measure of the voluntary service of the organization and of its able management. For the secours, fifty million dollars worth of gifts in money, food and clothing were collected by the Commission from the charitable people of America and Great Britain.

The next day the physician found her out of danger to his great surprise. Join us in returning thanks to God and His faithful servant for this great favour. "Sister MARY DE BON SECOURS, Assistant." Second Testimony, again addressed to the Mother Superior at Quebec: "For the information of all interested in the case, and for the glory of God in His saints, I declare and certify the following:

His features, especially when he slept, wore an expression of the most serene contentment. The soeur de bon secours, who had watched him through the night, had yielded her place to the "sister," who assumed the office of nurse during the day. Gaston entered soon after, and, finding the patient gently slumbering, sat down beside his bed.

Speaking of one of the four nations of which the Hurons were composed, he says: "Ils ont vne douceur et vne affabilite quasi incroyable pour des Sauuages; ils ne se picquent pas aisement. . . . Ils se maintiennent dans cette si parfaite intelligence par les frequentes visites, les secours qu'ils se donnent mutuellement dans leurs maladies, par les festins et les alliances. . . . Ils sont moins en leurs Cabanes que chez leurs amis. . . S'ils ont vn bon morceau, ils en font festin a leurs amis, et ne le mangent quasi iamais en leur particulier," etc.