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In 1852 he could hardly find a seconder for his motion in favour of representation by population; in the election just closed, he claimed fifty-three members from Upper Canada, elected to stand or fall by that measure. He had fought a ten years' battle without faltering. He advocated opposition to any ministry of either party that would refuse to settle the question.

The close of the battle was on the visage of Rufus Abrane fifteen minutes before that Elgin marble under red paint in the ring sat on the knee of a succouring seconder, mopped, rubbed, dram-primed, puppy-peeping, inconsolably comforted, preparatory to the resumption of the great-coat he had so hopefully cast from his shoulders. Not downcast by any means.

This gentleman spoke much about the Constitution, something about Greece and Rome; compared Egerton with William Pitt, also with Aristides; and sat down, after an oration esteemed classical by the few, and pronounced prosy by the many. Audley's seconder, a burly and important maltster, struck a bolder key.

I turned him round so that we were facing each other. "Do you want to do me that favor, or don't you?" I demanded. "I'll do whatever you say," he replied. "I'm thinking only of your interests." "Let me take care of them," said I. "You put me up at that club to-morrow. I'll send you the name of a seconder not later than noon." "Up goes your name," he said. "But don't blame me for the consequences."

For while our regard for you and Bassus is such that we shall use all our resources, energy, and influence to obtain the advancement of Bassus, no matter to what consul he is assigned as quaestor as well as the advancement of any quaestor that may be allotted to you it would be immensely gratifying to us if we could at one and the same time prove our friendship and advance your interests as consul by helping the cause of our young friend, and if you of all people, whose wishes the Senate is so ready to gratify, and in whose recommendations they place such implicit trust, were to stand forth as the seconder of my desires.

The question having been launched, Spruce arose, a very neat speaker; a little too mechanical, but plausible. Endymion was astonished at the dexterous turns in his own favour which he gave to many of the statements of Hortensius, and how he mangled and massacred the seconder, who had made a mistake in a date. "He is the Tory leader," said Trenchard.

III. The name of every person proposed to be balloted for as a member, shall be placed over the chimney-piece one day before the ballot can take place. IV. No proposition shall be balloted for unless put up over the chimney-piece, with the names of the proposer and seconder, at or before dinner preceding the day of the ballot, and read to the members at such dinner.

It is a mistake to trust to the mere eminence of a man's proposer and seconder; unless he has some personal friend who is a popular member of the club, and who will take the trouble to exert himself on the day of the election, the mere eminence of his proposer and seconder will not save him. One of the traditions of the Reform Club relates to George Augustus Sala.

The others present, who held both the mover and seconder in contempt, would much rather the initiative had been taken in this matter by men of little more respectability for there is such a thing as caste even among grog-sellers but as Porter and Maloney had taken the matter into their own hands, the others, though with bad grace, had to accept the situation, and it was put and carried unanimously.

My poor husband could not endure the whistle, so he took the pea out of it and then it only made an airy noise instead of a blast." "Mother dear," Anthony interposed, "aren't you going down to the village?" A suggestion to which Harrison Smith proved a ready seconder. "Don't let us detain you, Madam," he beseeched. "No, I won't, I won't. Besides, I mustn't be late. As Mr.