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Ours scorns the petty Spoils, and do prefer The Glory not the Interest of the War: But yet our Forces shall obliging prove, Imposing nought but Constancy in Love: That's all our Aim, and when we have, it too, We'll sacrifice it all to pleasure you. King, Mr. Westwood. Philander, his Son, betrothed to Erminia, Mr. Smith. Alcippus, Favourite, in love with Erminia, Mr. Betterton.

In another passage he distinctly limits utility in education to its bearing on the future profession or trade of the pupil, that is, he scorns the idea of any education of the intellect, simply as such. “Can there be any thing more ridiculous,” he asks, “than that a father should waste his own money, and his son’s time, in setting him to learn the Roman language, when at the same time he designs him for a trade, wherein he, having no use of Latin, fails not to forget that little which he brought from school, and which ’tis ten to one he abhors for the ill-usage it procured him?

You, and all the classes in society who delight in seeing the influence of religion weakened or destroyed, never seem to realize, until it is too late, that you are sure to be the especial victims of your own success. The man who scorns to love God and His law, how shall he continue to love his neighbor?

We therefore expect to see the Spider settled before long in a shaft of her own construction. We are disappointed. Weeks pass and not an effort is made, not one. Demoralized by the absence of an ambush, the Lycosa hardly vouchsafes a glance at the game which I serve up. The Crickets pass within her reach in vain; most often she scorns them. She slowly wastes away with fasting and boredom.

You're a private, and I'm your riding-master." "Yes, but one minute, Lom " "Sergeant Lomax, sir." "Yes, Sergeant Lomax. I say, do let me have a saddle." "What for, sir?" "It's so much more comfortable." "A soldier, sir, is a man who scorns comfort and takes things as they come. You've got to learn to ride." "Of course. Then where's the saddle?"

"A rich heiress, you mean a marchioness of fifteen years, who is possessed of sufficient character to dispute the mandates of the powerful minister of the King of France! But your resolute bearing pleases me. You are not the puppet of circumstances, nor is your heart hardened by ambition. It follows whither youthful enthusiasm beckons, and scorns the rein of worldly restraint.

'Another part or piece, said Diabolus, 'of mine excellent armour is a dumb and prayerless spirit a spirit that scorns to cry for mercy; wherefore be you, my Mansoul, sure that you make use of this.

Nature has given him perfect feet that can spring him over fifty miles a day without pain; a stomach whose chemistry can extract ample nourishment from food on which no European could live; and a constitution that scorns heat, cold, and damp alike, because still unimpaired by unhealthy clothing, by superfluous comforts, by the habit of seeking warmth from grates and stoves, and by the habit of wearing leather shoes.

I was now beginning to feel a strong sense of being a part of the boat's family, a sort of infant son to the captain and younger brother to the officers. There is no estimating the pride I took in this grandeur, or the affection that began to swell and grow in me for those people. I could not know how the lordly steamboatman scorns that sort of presumption in a mere landsman.

I will not force myself upon a man who scorns me, no, not even to share his place and power, though it is true that I love them both. Nay, I will return to Hokosa my guardian, and to his wife, Zinti, who has been as my mother, and with them be at peace." "It is well," said the king, "and perhaps, girl, your choice is wise; perhaps your loss is not so great as you have thought.