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"Non posso mai dimenticare la sua squisita cortesia ed il gentile pensiero che nutre a mio riguardo. La prego credere che io sono ora, e per tutta la mia vita saro, a Lei legato di affezione, divozione e rispetto. I replied in a letter of congratulation to the bride and bridegroom, wishing them every happiness, sending them a wedding present and promising to come and see them as soon as possible.

And as we went up beyond San Domenico, through those lands which in spring and summer are so fruitful with their vines and olives, two peasant swains passed, chanting one of the old stornelli, those quaint love-songs of the Tuscan contadini the same which have been sung for centuries in and about old Firenze: Acqua di rio. Teco sarò di luglio e di gennaio Dove tu muori te, morirò anch'io.

She sang Rosina's song in the Barbiere di Siviglia as she had never sung it in her life, and for the first time the words pleased her. ... una vipera saro! What 'nice English girl' ever told herself or any one else that she would be a 'viper'? Two days later Margaret was somewhat surprised by an informal invitation to dine at the Turkish Embassy.

You will soon be better of it." "Non sarò meglio!" answered Luigi. "I shall never be better." He lifted his head and looked at her where she stood in the light, black, but comely, transfixing her on the burning glances of his bold eyes. "In your need," said he, "may you find just such friend as I have found!" The words were of his native language, but the malediction was universal.

Immediately after the agreement was signed, three magnificent fishing boats, the "Minatu Maru," the "Minowa Maru" and the "Saro Maru," which had been hovering out on the Pacific while the negotiations were going on, appeared in Guaymas. Their captains reported to the Nippon Suisan Kaisha, a fishing company with headquarters in Guaymas.

Her works in the larger forms have been given often by the Saro orchestra and others, while her songs and piano works have received much praise from the critics. Another composer of renown was Aline Hundt, one of Liszt's best pupils, who was born in 1849, and died at the early age of twenty-four.