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There's a gep'mun waitin' to see yo'." Fanny choked on a yawn. "A what!" "Gep'mun. Says yo-all goin' picnickin'. He's in the settin' room, a-lookin' at yo' pictchah papahs. Will Ah fry yo' up a li'l chicken to pack along? San'wiches ain't no eatin' fo' Sunday." Fanny flung back her covers, swung around to the side of the bed, and stood up, all, seemingly, in one sweeping movement.

"By golly, the lemonade 'll be cold, and so'll the san'wiches, before we git there," put in Slim, with one of his sporadic efforts to be funny. "We got t' go back." "Back nothing," chorused five outraged voices. "We'll hunt some other crossing." "Down the creek a piece yuh mind where that old sandbar runs half across? We'll try that." Weary's tone was hopeful, and they turned and followed him.

I'm sure you did the best you could whatever is wrong, but do tell us what it is," exclaimed Theodore, half laughing and half impatient at the uncertainty. "'Twas that mean ol' Carrots," began Jimmy, indignantly. "I was sellin' things off in fine style, Tode, an' Carrots, he came along an' he said he wanted three san'wiches in a paper.

Now he went on, "I don't want to sleep 'round the streets any more. I'm sick of it, but I can't make money 'nough off papers to do anything else. I'm thinkin' of settin' up a stand." "A bookstand, Tode?" questioned Nan, interestedly. "No a eatin' stand fer the fellers ye know newsboys an' such. 'F you'll make doughnuts an' gingerbread an' san'wiches fer me, I bet all the fellers'll come fer 'em."

Murfree that is, if you know the way." "Bet I do, 'm, and had a taste and sup myself, but I'm not backward to go again. The coffee's rare good, 'm, an the san'wiches very satisfying. But" in a confidential tone, as they moved slowly through the throng "whoever's a-doing of all this has made one big mistake, ma'am, and that's a fact." "Indeed! How is that?" "Well, it's on the drinks, 'm.

Where under the shinin' sun was you brought up if yuh never heard of a lap supper? A lap supper is where folks set around the walls or any place they can find and take the plates on their laps and yuh pass 'em stuff. The san'wiches " "You do make such beautiful bread!" interrupted the Little Doctor, very sincerely.

I says, 'Where did you get it? He got mad and tells me to shut up. "That day we got on a train. I says, 'Where are we goin'? and he says to never mind, and did I want some peanuts. "We kept ridin' and ridin' in the same car, and eatin' bananas and san'wiches and sleepin' settin' up at nights. I was just about sick when we come to Albuquerque.

Hobbs," said Mr Sudberry, "you don't know what fishing in the Highlands is, yet; but you shall see. Are the rods ready?" "Yes, sir." "And the baskets and books?" "Yes, sir." "And, ah! I forgot the flasks and sandwiches are they ready, and the worms?" "Yes, sir; Miss Lucy's a makin' of the san'wiches in the kitchen at this moment, and Maclister's a diggin' of the worms."