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Then the obvious safety-valve was closed to him. A sense of strangeness and of sudden shyness prevented him from joining as he should have joined in the Service. Ranny could not take it out all at once in singing. That silence and passivity of his left him open at every pore to the invasion of the powers of sound.

It's my safety-valve, Jim, an' I like to blow off steam when I gets alongside o' like-minded men." "We're all like-minded here. Fetch my accordion," said Jim, turning to one of his men. In a few minutes a lively hymn was raised in lusty tones which rolled far and wide over the slumbering sea.

But, though she could not compose a letter, she composed herself by the endeavour, which acted as a sort of safety-valve to let off the superabundant steam; and it is wonderful how general is this result of sitting down to write angry letters: people vent themselves of their spleen on the uncomplaining paper, which silently receives words a listener would not.

While I waited and looked on I presently recognized in this watchmaker an old acquaintance a steamboat engineer of other days, and not a good engineer, either. He examined all the parts carefully, just as the other watchmakers had done, and then delivered his verdict with the same confidence of manner. He said: "She makes too much steam-you want to hang the monkey-wrench on the safety-valve!"

The engine was taken to the extremity of the stage, the fire-box was filled with coke, the fire lighted, and the steam raised until it lifted the safety-valve loaded to a pressure of 50 pounds to the square inch. This proceeding occupied fifty-seven minutes.

Suddenly she pressed her lips upon the glass which reflected her own image, so sad, so pale, so desolate. She put the pity for herself into a long, long, fervent kiss, which seemed to say: "Yes, I am all alone alone forever." Then, in a spirit of revenge, she opened what seemed a safety-valve, preventing her from giving way to any other emotion.

Cords fixed upon it hung down and were attached to a hoop at the bottom, from which a gallery was suspended. This balloon had no safety-valve its neck was the only opening by which the hydrogen gas was introduced, and by which it was allowed to escape. In September, 1784, it was carried to the Artillery Ground and filled with gas.

There was safety in numbers, and the applause or hissing which greeted a personage or a topical allusion or a line which could be twisted into such could hardly be laid to the account of any individual. A certain license was conceded and fully utilised at the festivals: it served as a safety-valve, and wise emperors apparently so regarded it.

I would much rather," concluded the poet, "you would forget all that I have ever written than that you should forget what I tell you about having a safety-valve." "And now do you know," smilingly said the poet, "about the Charles River here?" as they returned to his study and stood before the large bay window. "I love this river," he said.

What he dreaded was not that he should learn to love the life of ease, but that he should grow to loathe it uncontrollably, as the symbol of his mental and spiritual bondage. And Westmore was his safety-valve, his refuge if he were cut off from Westmore what remained to him? It was not only the work he had found to his hand, but the one work for which his hand was fitted.