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Beneath the surface a wide schism was opening up in each Allied country. Something similar was happening in Central Europe. There too the original impulse of the war was weakened; the union sacrée was broken. The vertical cleavages along the battle front were cut across by horizontal divisions running in all kinds of unforeseeable ways.

Woolston's Discours sur les Miracles de Jésus-Christ, translated from the English . Boulanger's Christianisme dévoilé. Freret's Examen Critique des Apologistes de la Religion Chrétienne, 1767. The Examen Impartial des Principales Religions du Monde. Baron d'Holbach's Contagion Sacrée, or l'Histoire Naturelle de la Superstition, 1768.

"Well, well; it was so. Your brother was a Count, and died a General in my service." Gahagan. "He was found lying upon the bodies of nine-and-twenty Cossacks at Borodino. They were all dead, and bore the Gahagan mark." "C'est vrai, Montholon: je vous donne ma parole d'honneur la plus sacree, que c'est vrai. Ils ne sont pas d'autres, ces terribles Ga'gans.

In a voice choked with sorrow he tried to express these sentiments. He thinks he wept and swore in turns. The two new acquaintances hastened to applaud his humane indignation. Yes. The amount of injustice in the world was indeed scandalous. There was only one way of dealing with the rotten state of society. Demolish the whole sacree boutique. Blow up the whole iniquitous show.

Épernay-Châlons Snow Nancy The French People L'Union Sacrée France and England Nancy Hill of Léomont The Grand Couronné The Lorraine Campaign Taubes Vitrimont Miss Polk A Restored Church Society of Friends Gerbéviller Soeur Julie Mortagne An Inexpiable Crime Massacre of Gerbéviller "Les Civils ont tiré" Soeur Julie The Germans come German Wounded Barbarities in Hospital Soeur Julie and Germans The French Return Germans at Nancy Nancy saved A Warm Welcome Adieu to Lorraine

America Joins the Allies The British Effort Creating an Army L'Union Sacrée Registration Accommodation Clothing Arms and Equipment A Critical Time A Long-continued Strain Training O.T.C.'S Boy Officers The First Three Armies Our Wonderful Soldiers An Advanced Stage The Final Result Spectacle of the Present Snipers and Anti-snipers The Result. No. 4

Helen looked at the evil, cunning face, and knew that it was no use pursuing inquiries in that direction. She waited a full minute, then she began to ask another question, to her of even vaster moment: "That man who was with me in the cabin, he " "Sacree!" cried the half-breed in a sudden burst of fury. "Dat man he ees dead, Par Dieu! an' eef he was not, I roast heem alive!" "Dead!"

L'union sacrée to use the French phrase, so vivid and so true, by which our great Ally has charmed her own discords to rest in defence of the country became a reality here too, in spite of strikes, in spite of Ireland. By July 1915 the end of the first year of war more than 2,000,000 men had voluntarily enlisted. But the military chiefs knew well that it was but a half-way house.

He did, however, mark the various phases of the sky, and in his musical tongue named them with particularity. The firmament is te ao, te rai, and the atmosphere te reva, and when peaceful, raiatea. This is the name of one of the most beautiful islands of this Society group, "Raiatea la Sacrée," it is called, "Raiatea the Blessed," and its own serenity is betokened in its name.

"Gorgibus. * Je te dis que le mariage est une chose sainte et sacrée: et que c'est faire en honnêtes gens, que de débuter par l