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Madame Poulain went a step nearer to Senator Burton and muttered something, hurriedly. He hesitated. "Mais si, Monsieur le Senateur." And very reluctantly he transmitted the woman's disagreeable message. "She thinks that perhaps as you are going to your husband's rooms, you had better take your trunk with you, Mrs. Dampier." Nancy assented, almost eagerly.

That, of course, means they have left Paris suddenly, having got into what the English call a 'scrape. In such a case a man generally thinks it better to go home wiser if sadder than when he came." There followed a pause. "Well, Monsieur le Senateur," said the Prefect, rising from his chair. "You may rest assured that I will do everything that is in my power to find your friend."

He had not finished speaking when the door opened and Senateur saw before him a fat girl, with a very red, blowzy face, with drooping breasts, a big stomach and broad hips, a sort of animal, the wife of the shepherd Severin, and he went into the cottage. "I have come to pay you a visit, as I want to make a little search," he said, and he looked about him.

Madame Poulain had strolled out, her arms akimbo, to see what was going on. And, as if she had guessed the purport of Miss Burton's words, she walked forward, and speaking this time respectfully, even suavely, to "Monsieur le Senateur," observed, "My husband and I regret very greatly that we cannot ask this lady to stay on in our hotel. We have no vacant room no room at all!"

"I have been asking myself," she said, smiling a little wryly, "another question. Is it not possible that this young lady and her husband had a quarrel? Such incidents do occur, even during honeymoons. If the two had a little quarrel he may have left her at our door just to punish her, Monsieur le Senateur. He would know she was safe in our respectable hotel.

You will see that he bears the number '16909, and that his envelope is blue. Had this gentleman ever had anything to do with the police, were he, to put it plainly, of the criminal class, this envelope would be yellow. As for the white envelopes, they, Monsieur le Senateur, have to deal with a very different sort of individual. We class them briefly under the general word 'Morals."

As you probably know, Monsieur le Senateur, there is a French form of that name, Dampierre. But no it is that John which puzzles me I am quite sure that I have heard the name 'John Dampier' quite recently." "Isn't it likely," suggested the Senator, "that the man's disappearance has been reported to you? My son and I have done everything in our power to make the fact known, and Mr.

If sometimes the little fete ends rather roughly, it is the friendly and affectionate champagne that is to blame, but usually the orgies remain quite innocent, of a character that certainly might trouble the temperance societies but need not make M. le Senateur Berenger feel involved.

As brigadier Sénateur was a joker, all the gendarmes had grown facetious, and the officer continued: "Where is your butter?" "My butter?" "Yes, your butter." "In the jar." "Then where is the butter jar?" "Here it is." She brought out an old cup, at the bottom of which there was a layer of rancid, salt butter, and the brigadier smelt it, and said, with a shake of his head: "It is not the same.

Your sex, if I may say so, Monsieur le Senateur, is sometimes very unkind, very unfeeling, in their dealings with mine." Monsieur Poulain, who had said nothing, here intervened. "How you do run on," he said crossly. "You talk too much, my wife. We haven't to account for what has happened!" But Senator Burton had been struck by Madame Poulain's notion.