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Russelton received them with his usual coldness, but more than his usual civility, for he followed me to the door. Just as they were about to shut it, he called me back. "Mr. Pelham," said he, "Mr. An old worshipful gentleman, that had a great estate, And kept a brave old house at a hospitable rate. Old Song.

Russelton immediately helped him to some scalding soup and said, as he told the servant to hand Sir Willoughby the cayenne "you will find this, my dear Townshend, a very sensible potage for this severe season." Dinner went off tamely enough, with the exception of "our stout friend's" agony, which Russelton enjoyed most luxuriously.

"True," said Russelton, with a very faint smile at a pun, somewhat in his own way, and levelled at a tradesman, of whom he was, perhaps, a little jealous "True; Stultz aims at making gentlemen, not coats; there is a degree of aristocratic pretension in his stitches, which is vulgar to an appalling degree.

Russelton immediately helped him to some scalding soup and said, as he told the servant to hand Sir Willoughby the cayenne "you will find this, my dear Townshend, a very sensible potage for this severe season." Dinner went off tamely enough, with the exception of "our stout friend's" agony, which Russelton enjoyed most luxuriously.

People who have been employed for years upon trifles have not the greatness of mind, which could alone make them indifferent to what they have coveted all their lives, as most enviable and important. "Have you read 's memoirs?" said Mr. Russelton. "No! Well, I imagined every one had at least dipped into them.

"Coat!" said Russelton, with an appearance of the most naive surprise, and taking hold of the collar, suspiciously, by the finger and thumb; "coat, Sir Willoughby! do you call this thing a coat?" J'ai toujours cru que le bon n'etait que le beau mis en action. Rousseau.

Russelton, "at depriving you of so much amusement. With me you will only find some tolerable Lafitte, and an anomalous dish my cuisiniere calls a mutton chop. It will be curious to see what variation in the monotony of mutton she will adopt to-day.

"Ay," answered Russelton; "amusement to the fools, but instruction to the knaves. I am, indeed, a lamentable example of the fall of ambition. I brought starch into all the neckcloths in England, and I end by tying my own at a three-inch looking-glass at Calais. You are a young man, Mr.

Notwithstanding the heat of the weather, there was a small fire on the hearth, which, aided by the earnestness of his efforts to convince his host, put poor Sir Willoughby into a most intense perspiration. Russelton, however, seemed enviably cool, and hung over the burning wood like a cucumber on a hotbed.

Pelham, how are you? and the worthy Lady Frances, your mother, and your excellent father, all well? I'm delighted to hear it. Russelton," continued Sir Willoughby, turning to a middle-aged man, whose arm he held, "you remember Pelham true Whig great friend of Sheridan's? let me introduce his son to you. Mr. Russelton, Mr. Pelham; Mr. Pelham, Mr. Russelton."