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'Not without awe did I see the picture of the room which was now tenantless: I remember too, a curiosity which led me to look closely at the writing-table and the objects upon it, at the comfortable round-backed chair, at the book-shelves behind. I began to ask myself how books were written and how the men lived who wrote them. It is my last glimpse of childhood.

Coralie flung herself into the depths of a settee, and bade Camusot seat himself in the gondole, a round-backed chair that stood opposite. But Coralie's adorer, honest soul, dared not look his mistress in the face; he could not take his eyes off the pair of boots. "Ought I to make a scene and leave Coralie?" he pondered. "Is it worth while to make a fuss about a trifle?

At eight P.M. we were abreast of the south-west end of the island called Cape Resolution, which is a low point but indicated at a distance by a lofty round-backed hill that rises above it. We entered Hudson's Straits soon afterwards. The coast of Resolution Island should be approached with caution as the tides appear to be strong and uncertain in their course.

They were all three leaning back on the sofa discussing the merits and defects of the various girls standing around them. "Her eyes are too near together," said one of them. "That one looks ill." "This tall one is so round-backed." I shivered on hearing these remarks, whilst the poor girls themselves blushed with shame or turned livid with anger.

They passed through the bar and up into a room on the first floor, where a miscellaneous assembly was just gathering. Down the middle was a long table, with benches beside it, and a round-backed chair at each end; other seats were ranged along the walls.

During the delay thus occasioned we overtook them and they continued with us the rest of the day. We encamped at the foot of a lofty range of mountains which appear to be from twelve to fifteen hundred feet high; they are in general round-backed but the outline is not even, being interrupted by craggy conical eminences.

The reduction must be made by rubbing on sandpaper, and a clean, straight tapering effected, as a bridge, where you can discern a round-backed slope, is bad looks so and is.

He took little freedoms with her, tapping her with his cane, love-pats; and she seemed to see nothing amiss. They kept eating gingerbread all along the road, and dined heartily notwithstanding. Our driver was a slender, lathe-like, round-backed, rough-bearded, thin-visaged, middle-aged Yankee, who became very communicative during our drive.

Mrs Willoughby supplied the name of a specialist; the specialist granted an appointment for the following Saturday at noon, when the two girls duly appeared in his consulting-room; and Sophie underwent the usual examination, during which the great doctor's face assumed a serious air. Finally he returned to the round-backed chair which stood against the desk, and faced his patient across the room.

His father settled himself down into his ample and dignified professional chair old oak round-backed, and with head half turned, and hands folded in front of him, seemed to diagnose with rapt attention this singular form of psychological malady.