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Pelz took me down to the projection-room to see its first showing, and I give you my word I said to him and Sol didn't I, Roody? 'That picture is a fortune. And never in my life did I fail to pick a winner did I, Roody? I got a knack for it. Mr. Feist, have you seen 'The Lure of Silk'?" "Sorry to say I have not." "If you think that is a riot, Mrs.

Thursday, when I seen that gray roadster I liked so much for Bleema, this afternoon she's out riding in it. It is a wonder I got a wish for anything left in me." "To have you talk like this, Rosie, is the highest of all my successes." "If if there's one real wish I got now, Roody, it is only for our Bleema. We got a young lady, honey; we got to put on our thinking-cap."

Rudolph Meyerburg, herself squirming to rights in an elaborate bodice and wielding an unostentatious toothpick behind the cup of her hand; "like I told Roody just now, if I take on a pound to-day he can blame his sister." "Say, I wish you'd look at the marquis kissing ma's hand again, will you?" "Look at ma get away with it too.

Our Leon, who could so easily have been excused, not even to wait for the draft." "It's not too late yet please Leon " "Our Roody and Boris both in camp, too, training to serve their country. Why, mamma, we ought to be crying for happiness. As Leon says, surely the Kantor family, who fled out of Russia to escape massacre, should know how terrible slavery can be.

That kind of fake stuff won't make 'Saint Elba' the greatest picture ever released, and every picture turned out from these studios has got to be just that. I wish you could have heard, Rosie, in the projection-room, quiet like a pin after I came out with it." "Fifty thousand dollars, Roody?" "Yes. 'Fifty thousand dollars, begins Sol with me, too.

Don't think I'm so stuck, neither, on how she runs around with my film stars." "Honest, Roody, the way you're so strict with that child it's a shame! The girl has got to have her pleasure." "Well, if she's got to have her pleasure, she should have it with young men like Feist and not with " "There! Didn't I tell you so? Didn't I?"

"Listen to me, Miss Bleema, now: I'm an old friend of the family, and you don't need to take exception to what I'm going to suggest. If your heart is so set on this thing, all right then, make up your mind it's an engagement and " "By God, Feist, no!" "Wait, Pelz, I tell you you're making a mistake with your state of excitement." "Let Mr. Feist talk, Roody."

Not even that time in Milan, darlink when they broke down the doors, was it like to-night " "Ought to seen, ma, the row of police outside " "Hush up, Roody! Don't you see your brother is trying to get his breath?" From Mrs. Isadore Kantor: "You ought to seen the balconies, mother. Isadore and I went up just to see the jam."

Genius it should be the last to be sent to the slaughter-pen. Leon darlink don't go!" "Ma, ma you don't mean what you're saying. You wouldn't want me to reason that way! You wouldn't want me to hide behind my violin." "I would! Would! You should wait for the draft. With my Roody and even my baby Boris enlisted, ain't it enough for one mother?

If I don't buy that machine off Emil Hahn, somebody else will see in it what I see. Then all our lives we will have something to reproach ourselves with." Mrs. Pelz let slide her hand beneath the pillow, eyes closing and her face seeming to whiten. "Ninety dollars! Twenty dollars less than every cent we got saved in the world. It ain't right we should gamble with it, Roody. Not now."