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We lunched with the other three at Romsey. Then I sat in front for a little while to talk to my Malachi. When I looked back, Shend was solidly asleep, and stayed so for the next two hours, while Leggatt chased Attley's fat Daimler along the green-speckled hedges. He woke up when we said good-bye at Mittleham, with promises to meet again very soon. 'And I hope, said Mrs.

"Of course your girls mustn't go. Daughters! Think of their reputations when they grow up!" "Are you in the same scrape with my wife?" Mr. Romsey asked. Lady Myrie corrected his language. "I have been deceived in the same way," she said. I do nothing myself in an underhand way. No excuses! I shall send a note and tell Mrs. Norman why she doesn't see my boys to-morrow."

It was forbidden to any men except the confessor, and the doctor in case of illness of a nun, to enter the convent; all conversation with outsiders was to take place in the presence of witnesses and in an appointed place. The nuns were forbidden to visit the laity in Romsey, and other like ordinances were enjoined.

His tone was kind; his manner was gentle; his tender interest in her seemed to have revived. Her long absence had alarmed him; he feared she might be ill. "I was only thinking," she said. He smiled, and sat down by her, and asked if she had been thinking of the place that they should go to when they left London. Romsey.

You may watch the quaint dresses in the marketplace; you may rest, as Froissart rested of old, in a 'right pleasant inn; you may eat of the delicious cookery which is to be found, even in remote towns, throughout the south of France, and even if you dare of 'Coquilles aux Champignons. You may sit out after dinner in that delicious climate, listening to the rush of the clear Adour through streets, and yards, and culverts; for the city, like Romsey, or Salisbury, is built over many streams.

Here, Romsey," he hailed a man who had just come in, whose face somehow seemed familiar to Jimmy, "I want to introduce you to an old colleague of mine, Grierson, who is going to knock spots out of you all." The new-comer grinned. "I've seen him knocking spots out a nigger in Oxford Street already.

So Rayne, Lola, and myself spent a very pleasant four days with one of the most charming families I think I have ever met. Enderby was a beautiful old place lying back in a great park and surrounded by woods, half-way between Winchester and Romsey, and George Baynes, who had made a fortune in South America, and whose wife was a Brazilian lady, was a splendid host.

She had taken the veil at Romsey, when a girl; but on the death of her brothers, Eustace and William, became the heiress of her mother's county of Boulogne, and had been stolen away and married, for the sake of her inheritance, by Matthew of Flanders.

There are a couple of inns and a few scattered houses, but no village on the lonely seven miles until the parallel valley is reached. Romsey Abbey dates from the reign of Edward the Elder, and his daughter, St. Alfreda, was first Abbess.

In some few cases it is true that late Norman vaults may be found, but more often where stone vaults exist in Norman churches they were added in after times. In Romsey Abbey one of the most noteworthy features is that very little alteration was made in the church when once it was built.