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Some wanted to begin with a comedy, and afterwards to have a tea party and a discussion for mental improvement, but they commenced with the latter first. The rocking-horse spoke of training and races; the wagon of railways and steam power, for these subjects belonged to each of their professions, and it was right they should talk of them.

Once give her a definite idea of what Ellinor's fortune will be, and let her, if she chooses, cut down her timber a threat she has held over me ever since I knew what a rocking-horse was, and which I have known to be illegal these ten years past and she'll come round.

So while he waits for tea and muffins, he leaps upon his rocking-horse and prances off. As for the hobby-horse itself, I have not heard whether it was of the usual nursery type, or whether it was built in the likeness of the leather camels of a German steamship. I need hardly say that these confessions of my cowardice are for your ear alone. They must not get abroad to smirch me.

Uncle Richard opened the second bottle, put his nose to it, and said approvingly, "Madeira!" and in a moment the golden wine was sparkling in the old-fashioned Dutch glasses. "Ah! that's quite another thing," said the young Consul, taking his usual place astride of the old rocking-horse. The rocking-horse was a relic of their childhood.

Then, pulling in his rocking-horse, he fancied he was one of the Light Horse, and mounted it to show the sword exercise, and how he could shoot a Frenchman or a Turk at full gallop. He had no business with a rocking-horse or a pistol among young ladies, but he never thought if it were proper or not, and much less if the pistol were loaded.

The sunlight fell upon his flat right side, and Chinn wondered. Never had he seen a tiger marked after this fashion. Except for his head, which was staringly barred, he was dappled not striped, but dappled like a child's rocking-horse in rich shades of smoky black on red gold. That portion of his belly and throat which should have been white was orange, and his tail and paws were black.

So I suppose the little brown mouse, or at least its descendants, still live on unmolested at the mill. He was a very old rocking-horse indeed. His first master, sunny-headed little Robbie, had grown into a man with a beard, and had given his old playmate to his sister's children.

"Why, in the first place," said Jonas, "he lives, I'm told, in a large and handsome house." "Yes," said Oliver. "And then," continued Jonas, "your aunt, I have heard, is a very fine woman, and has a great deal of company." "Well," said Oliver. "And then," continued Jonas, "they can buy Josey any thing he wants, for playthings." "Yes," said Oliver; "he told me he had got a rocking-horse.

The desert fled about her yet seemed to grow no shorter ahead, and the dark line of cloud mystery, with the towering mountains beyond, were no nearer than when she first started. It seemed much like riding on a rocking-horse, one never got anywhere, only no rocking-horse flew at such a speed.

But his tears dried instantly at the sight of the room into which they were ushered; as large as any of the halls in which Aunt Cora spent her days, and how much more beautiful! They roved about, staring at the aquarium, and gazing at the rocking-horse, the piano, the drum, the hanging gardens, with speechless astonishment.