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But I was not to be checked; hints and sour looks were lost upon me. I grew more outspoken with every glass, I drank to the Rochellois, I swore it would not be long before they raised their heads again; and, at last, while the innkeeper and his wife were engaged lighting the lamp, I passed round the bottle and called on all for a toast. 'I'll give you one to begin, I bragged noisily.

And to quiet the minds of the Rochellois he would set over them a ruler at once acceptable to them or war must come of it and faithful to his Majesty. Such a man, M. de Biron, will in such a post be Master of the Kingdom; for he will hold the doors of Janus, and as he bridles his sea-dogs, or unchains them, there will be peace or war in France." "Is all that from the King's mouth?"

"There was a Frenchman, a Rochellois he is dead these ten years but I have spoken with him. He was whirled west by storms far beyond Antillia, and was gripped by a great ocean stream and carried to land. What think you it was? No less than Hy-Brasil. There he found men, broad-faced dusky men, with gentle souls, and saw such miracles as have never been vouchsafed to mortals.

We decided that it would be wiser simply to warn Pavannes, and then stand by him if necessary. We might have despatched a messenger. But our servants Gil excepted, and he was too old to bear the journey were ignorant of Paris. Nor could any one of them be trusted with a mission so delicate. We thought of Pavannes' courier indeed. But he was a Rochellois, and a stranger to the capital.

He was a Catholic cardinal, the Rochellois were Protestants; he was a stern ruler, they were rebellious subjects who had long worried and almost impoverished him; all Europe, therefore, looked for a retribution more terrible than any in history. Richelieu allowed nothing of the sort.