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Ripley swung, so as to display the tail of a short topcoat that was one of his treasures. The garment was fashionably made and of the best material, for Ripley's father was a wealthy lawyer in Gridley, and the young Ripley hopeful had all the most costly things a boy can prize. Along the tail of the coat some miscreant had daubed a streak of fresh white paint.

Purcell caught at the bait with another laugh. Dick noted Purcell's name on a piece of paper, with a dollar and eighty cents charged against it. All the other partners did the same with other students. With such a series of pickets out around the school none of the student body got through without buying pennies, except Fred Ripley and Clara Deane. They were not asked to buy.

She was the ugliest wench I ever saw, and, if possible, he was uglier, so they were well matched." One might ascribe the tone of this description to the tartness of Mrs. Royall's pen were it not that she recorded just afterward that a body-servant of General Ripley who was placed at her command in St. Francisville was "certainly the most accomplished servant I ever saw."

Start right in on Revelations, where you belong," put in Samantha; for to see a man unexpectedly loaded to the muzzle with news, and too lazy to fire it off, was enough to try the patience of a saint; and even David Milliken would hardly have applied that term to Samantha Ann Ripley. "Give a feller time to think, will yer?" expostulated Jabe, with his mouth full of pie.

The group, with their admired chief, took dinner, which had been kept warm for them, afterwards, and were themselves waited upon with the utmost consideration." While at Brook Farm, Curtis was on intimate terms with most of the persons there. He greatly admired Mr. and Mrs. Ripley, and he frequently wrote to Mrs. Ripley and made of her a sort of mother-confessor.

"Who do you love best in all the world?" said he. It was a queer question. But I told him Polly Ann Ripley. "Oh!" said he, after a pause. "And what's SHE like?" "She's beautiful," I said; "she's been very kind to me. She took me home with her from the settlements when I had no place to go. She's good." "And a sharp tongue, I reckon," said he. "When people need it," I answered. "Oh!" said he.

"So I think; got mixed up in the affair some way, and they have been compelled to carry her off to save themselves. Do you know why they were after Mac?" "No, sir." "Well, I do; he carried thirty thousand dollars." "What?" "He was acting paymaster. The money came in from Wallace last evening, and he was ordered to take it to Ripley at once." Hamlin drew in his breath quickly in surprise.

"I wish a moment's conference with my principals." The court nodding, Mr. Ripley crossed the room, engaging in earnest whispered conversation with the Dodges, father and son. While this was going on a telegraph messenger boy entered. Espying Dick, he went over and handed him a yellow envelope. Dick tore it open.

Raffles rode a Beeston Humber, a Royal Sunbeam was good enough for me, but he insisted on our both having Dunlop tires. "They seem the most popular brand. I had my eye on the road all the way from Ripley to Cobham, and there were more Dunlop marks than any other kind.

Whereupon MacNair returned his automatic to its holster and bethought himself of Ripley, who was lying back by the stockade with his face buried in the snow. Swiftly he retraced his steps, and, kneeling beside the wounded man, raised him from the snow. Blood oozed from the corners of the officer's lips, and, mingling with the snow, formed a red slush which clung to the boyish cheek.