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He worked her clear of the bunch that came out of the harbor and came after us, and we had it with him across to Cape Cod. Forty miles before we beat him; but Pitt Ripley had a great sailer in the Ruth, and we would have been satisfied to hold her even. "Only wait till by and by, when we get her in trim," we kept saying.

I think you had better send an orderly to Lieutenant Ripley with an order that he remain where he is by the woods; for if we engage another company of the enemy, the riflemen will be needed to act as sharpshooters, and to render the same service as before, though they will probably not be driven back again beyond rifle-shot distance from the road."

The only view of the water which the Andersons possessed was at an angle across this beach. The house they occupied, though twice the size of the Ripley cottage, was virtually in the rear of the Ripley domain, which lay tantalizingly between them and a free sweep of the landscape. One morning, early in October of the year of Mr.

A struggle was going on in his mind, and no one could say whether the good or evil would win. Ben Ripley was anxious that his mother should sleep. She had undergone the severest of trials since early morning, and none had wrought harder than she. The morrow would make further demands on her strength. As for himself, he was young, sturdy, and could stand more and rally sooner than she.

In 1851 he was for six months the musical editor of the Boston Commonwealth, he wrote for Sartain's Magazine and other periodicals on musical topics, and he continued to lecture. Ripley and Dana made an earnest effort to secure him a place on one of the daily journals in New York.

He saw it first he was on the ground, and the place was his by right of discovery, the title strengthened by the fact that four of his ancestors had been Concord clergymen, and the most excellent and venerable Doctor Ripley, a near kinsman. Concord and Emerson, as early as Eighteen Hundred Forty, when Emerson was thirty-seven years old, were synonymous.

George Ripley describes the subject of the philosopher’s stone as follows: “For as of one mass was made the thing, Right must it so in our praxis be, All our secrets of one image must spring; In philosophers’ books therefore who wishes may see, Our stone is called the less-world, one and three.” Dichotomy also appears, mercury and sulphur, which can then generally be rendered soul and body.

Brewster, in dire trepidation, hastened to the office of the attorneys. They smiled when he burst in upon them. "Good heavens!" he exclaimed, "does the miserly old hayseed expect me to spend a million for newspapers, cigarettes and Boston terriers? I thought he would be reasonable!" "He evidently has seen the newspaper accounts of your dinner, and this is merely his comment," said Mr. Ripley.

"At not very much risk to myself, sir," smiled the freshman. "I was able, soon after, to go in and win a skating race." "At not much risk?" repeated the lawyer. "Why, your life was in very considerable danger. Do you call that little?" "Almost any of the High School fellows would have done it, Mr. Ripley." "But none of them did."

"Ripley and his crew went around that cottage to the door side," Dick whispered. "Are they in the cottage?" Dave demanded. "I don't know. They went around to the other side. Let's wait and see if we can guess what's up." So, forgetful of their suppers for the time being, Dick & Co. waited, screened by the bushes. "There's smoke coming up out of the chimney," whispered Tom Reade.