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I will not here repeat the particulars wherein I showed in my Nihil Respondes that Mr Coleman hath abused the honourable houses of Parliament, unto which particulars he hath answered as good as nothing.

This I confuted in my Nihil Respondes: and told him both of the order of the church and practice of conscientious ministers to the contrary. Now what replieth he? “First, This refining work, I think, is not one year old in Scotland, or much more. I was lately informed that in Edinburgh it is begun: whether anywhere else I know not,” Male Dicis, p. 20.

But O ye honourable house of Parliament, be pleased to take notice of my own plain expression of my mind in my Nihil Respondes. p. 13: “The Christian magistrate manageth his office under and for Christ, that is, so as to be serviceable for the kingdom and glory of Christ.” And now judge whether it be suitable to the sincerity and candour of a minister of the gospel to endeavour to make me odious to authority, by imputing to me that which not only I did not say, but the contrary whereof I did plainly express.

This he acknowledged in his Re-examination, p. 13, 17, to be a very grievous charge, and a greater fault in him than in divers others, if made out; and he desired seriously, yea, challenged it by the right of a Christian, and by the right of a minister, that I should prosecute this charge; whereupon I did, in my Nihil Respondes, prosecute it so far, that, by five strong arguments, I did demonstrate the repugnancy of his doctrine to the covenant.

It was before both denied and yielded by Mr Coleman, that there is a church government which is distinct from the civil, and yet not merely doctrinal. He did profess to subscribe heartily to the votes of Parliament, and yet advised the Parliament to do contrary to their votes, as I proved in Nihil Respondes, p. 3.

Coleman soon afterwards published a pamphlet entitled, “A Brotherly Examination Re-examined.” To this Gillespie replied in another bearing the title, “Nihil Respondes,” in which he somewhat sharply exposed the weak and inconclusive character of his opponent’s argument.

Some help themselves with countenance and gesture, and are wise by signs; as Cicero saith of Piso, that when he answered him, he fetched one of his brows up to his forehead, and bent the other down to his chin; Respondes, altero ad frontem sublato, altero ad mentum depresso supercilio, crudelitatem tibi non placere.

But Mr Coleman holds ordination of ministers to be within the commission of teaching, &c. The reason of the proposition is clear, because the commission of teaching belongs to every single minister, so that if the power of ordination be within that commission, it must needs belong to every single minister. Quid respondes?

Therefore, by Mr Hussey’s divinity, any other Christian hath as much right to administer word, sacraments, keys, as the minister. Come on now to Mr Coleman’s errors in divinity, not to repeat what was expressed in my Nihil Respondes, but to take off the Male Dicis in the main points.

DOÑA MATILDE. ¿Salió mi padre? Adiós con mi dinero ... ya está aquí doña Matilde. DOÑA MATILDE. ¿No me respondes si salió mi padre? BRUNO. Salió, y como un rehilete ... no yo lo que podía urgirle tanto ... pero ... ¿qué hace usted?... DOÑA MATILDE. Lo que has olvidado ... apagar las velas.... BRUNO. ¿Que es de rigor en tales aventuras el andar a tientas?