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Gautier Giffart, Sire de Longueville, to thee is the gonfanon." "Beau Sire," answered Gautier; "par Dex, Merci. But my head is grey and my arm weak; and the little strength left me I would spend in smiting the English at the head of my men." "Per la resplendar De," cried William, frowning; "do ye think, my proud vavasours, to fail me in this great need?"

Then both slowly rose, and at a sign from the Duke, passed to the other side of the table, standing behind Fitzosborne's chair. "Clerk," said William, eying deliberately the sallow face of the ecclesiastic; "I know thee of old; and if the Church have sent me an envoy, per la resplendar De, it should have sent me at least an abbot."

Then both slowly rose, and at a sign from the Duke, passed to the other side of the table, standing behind Fitzosborne's chair. "Clerk," said William, eying deliberately the sallow face of the ecclesiastic; "I know thee of old; and if the Church have sent me an envoy, per la resplendar De, it should have sent me at least an abbot."

Gautier Giffart, Sire de Longueville, to thee is the gonfanon." "Beau Sire," answered Gautier; "par Dex, Merci. But my head is grey and my arm weak; and the little strength left me I would spend in smiting the English at the head of my men." "Per la resplendar De," cried William, frowning; "do ye think, my proud vavasours, to fail me in this great need?"

Holy Crosse!" rose high above the flagging sound of "Ha Rou! Ha Rou! Notre Dame!" "Per la resplendar De," cried William. "Our soldiers are but women in the garb of Normans. Ho, spears to the rescue! With me to the charge, Sires D'Aumale and De Littain with me, gallant Bruse, and De Mortain; with me, De Graville and Grantmesnil Dex aide! Notre Dame."

Holy Crosse!" rose high above the flagging sound of "Ha Rou! Ha Rou! Notre Dame!" "Per la resplendar De," cried William. "Our soldiers are but women in the garb of Normans. Ho, spears to the rescue! With me to the charge, Sires D'Aumale and De Littain with me, gallant Bruse, and De Mortain; with me, De Graville and Grantmesnil Dex aide! Notre Dame."

"Per la resplendar De , bold dame," cried the knight by the side of Edward, while a lurid flush passed over his cheek of bronze; "but thou art too glib of tongue for a subject, and pratest overmuch of Woden, the Paynim, for the lips of a Christian matron." Hilda met the flashing eye of the knight with a brow of lofty scorn, on which still a certain terror was visible.

"Per la resplendar De , bold dame," cried the knight by the side of Edward, while a lurid flush passed over his cheek of bronze; "but thou art too glib of tongue for a subject, and pratest overmuch of Woden, the Paynim, for the lips of a Christian matron." Hilda met the flashing eye of the knight with a brow of lofty scorn, on which still a certain terror was visible.