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On passing a magnet, the nature of the electricity charging a car is automatically changed from positive to negative, or vice versa, to that of the magnet just passed, so that it repels while the next attracts.

In the domestication of nature's gifts it is the same: in the fashioning of implements and weapons, the improvisation of clothing and shelter, the almost instinctive impulse to 'play with fire' which repels other animals.

And this is why it is praise to an author to call him na�ve, for it signifies that he may show himself as he is. In general, na�vet� attracts, while anything that is unnatural everywhere repels. We also find that every true thinker endeavours to express his thoughts as purely, clearly, definitely, and concisely as ever possible.

Stuart's flatteries, or the matronly dignity with which Mrs. Featherbrain repels them!" She turns her white shoulder deliberately upon them both, and welcomes Sir Victor with her brightest smile. "And for a rustic lassie, fresh from the fields and the daisies, it isn't so bad," is Mrs. Featherbrain's cool criticism.

I no longer recall the strange bliss we felt when, we first embraced. It is true, there are moments when I still desire her as madly as the first time. This is so especially when she is away. When she is with me, there are moments when she repels me. We discovered each other in the holidays. The days when we shall see each other again before we die we could count them if we dared. To die!

A critic rightly says that Spenser repels none but the anti-poetical. His influence upon other poets has been far-reaching. Milton, Dryden, Byron, Wordsworth, Keats, and Shelley show traces of his influence. Spenser has been called the poet's poet, because the more poetical one is, the more one will enjoy him. The Early Religious Drama.

"My brother does not look quite happy," replied Miss Margaret, slowly. "His bride is most beautiful indeed, I have never met a young woman so strangely fascinating but there is something about her that repels even while it draws me toward her." "I experienced the same feeling, Margaret," returned Mrs. Gardiner.

Deceit of any kind specially repels me, and deceit towards some one trusting, confident, is the worst of all. Perhaps she read my thoughts instinctively, for she said next, in a pleading note, to enlist my sympathies: "He is very, very cruel, he beats me all the time." I looked down at her as she lay in the cradle of my arm, a little sceptical.

To hate people is the most dangerous luxury that one can indulge in, and the most that one is justified in doing is to avoid the society of entirely uncongenial people. It is not a duty to force yourself to try to admire and like everyone who repels you. The truth is that life is not long enough for such experiments.

All our emotions, because they are socially powerful, become somewhat theatrical; in some completely theatrical. We are so constituted that emotional display is not indifferent to us; it pleases, repels, annoys, angers, frightens, disgusts or awes us according to the kind of emotion displayed, the displayer and the circumstances.