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"Que Dios remate tu nombre," exclaimed the Mulatto; "may Allah blot out your name, Joanna, and may he likewise blot out that of your maid Johar. It is more than fifteen minutes that I have been seated here, after having poured out into the tinaja the water which I brought from the fountain, and during all that time I have waited in vain for one single word of civility from yourself or from Johar.

Be with ye toot sweet vite presto P.D.Q." Wherewith he demolished the rest of his meal with military dispatch, proceeded doorward, smote the grinning army of Remate de Males a buffet on the shoulder, and vanished into the night.

Tim, still harboring vivid recollections of his ant battle at Remate de Males though by this time he had trained himself to sleep in his hammock, where he was comparatively safe looked askance at it when told what it was, and was only partly reassured by the information that termites were eaters of wood rather than of flesh.

There they found a thin, fever-worn, gravely courteous gentleman awaiting them. "Sit, senhores," he urged, with a languid wave of the hand toward chairs. "I am honored by your visit, as is all Remate de Males. In what way can I serve you?" The blond answered: "We have come, sir, both for the pleasure of making your acquaintance and for a little information.