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Again: it will not be very intelligible to them to be informed that, in 1822, he communicated to the Royal Society of Edinburgh a paper "On the Absorption of Light by Coloured Media", in which he enunciated a new method of measuring the dispersion of transparent bodies by stopping the green, yellow, and most refrangible red rays, and thus rendering visible the rays situated rigorously at the end of the spectrum.

These most refrangible rays are the violet, and we pass on to the least refrangible end, the red, through bluish-violet, blue, bluish-green, green, greenish-yellow, yellow, and orange.

The light of the sun then, contains, besides the coloured rays so well characterized by Newton, some invisible rays, still less refrangible than the red, and whose warming power is very considerable. A world of discoveries has arisen from this fundamental fact. The dark heat emanating from terrestrial objects more or less heated, became also subjects of Herschel's investigations.

Spectra are, however, formed by diffraction, wherein the distribution of both heat and light is different from that produced by the prism. These diffractive spectra have been examined with great skill by Draper and Langley. In the prismatic spectrum the less refrangible rays are compressed into a much smaller space than in the diffraction spectrum.

The second class includes about three-eighths of his stars, including Capella, Pollux, and Arcturus. These stars give a spectrum like that of our sun, and appear yellowish to the eye. The spectrum has fluted bands shaded from blue to red, and sharply defined at the more refrangible edge.

The coronal has been believed to have much in common with the chromospheric spectrum; it proved, on investigation with a large prismatic camera, employed under Sir Norman Lockyer's directions by Mr. Fowler at Fundium, to be absolutely distinct from it. The fundamental green ray had, on the West African plates, seven more refrangible associates; but all alike are of unknown origin.

Midway between centre and limb, 88·7 of violet light and 96·7 of red penetrate the absorbing envelope, the abolition of which would increase the intensity of the sun's visible spectrum above two and a half times in the most, and once and a half times in the least refrangible parts.

The fact of the uncovered sun being blue has an important bearing upon the question of his temperature, to afford a somewhat more secure answer to which was the ultimate object of Professor Langley's persevering researches; for it is well known that as bodies grow hotter, the proportionate representation in their spectra of the more refrangible rays becomes greater.

You have already seen that the fine blue ammonia-sulphate of copper transmits a large portion of green, while cutting off all the less refrangible light. A yellow solution of picric acid also allows the green to pass, but quenches all the more refrangible light. What must occur when we send a beam through both liquids?

Thus again the discovery of the polarisation of light led to experiments which ended in the discovery of the polarisation of heat a discovery that could never have been made without the antecedent one. Thus, too, the known refrangibility of light and heat lately produced the inquiry whether sound also is not refrangible; which on trial it turns out to be.