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He placed a dangling hand about his neck and, staggering under the weight, reeled backwards supporting Mr. Scutts, whose other arm was round the neck of a third man. In a flash Mrs. Scutts was at the door. "Oh, Bill!" she gasped. "And by daylight, too!" Mr. Scutts raised his head sharply and his lips parted; then his head sank again, and he became a dead weight in the grasp of his assistants.

But no shadow of a Dop Doctor who once reeled the streets of Gueldersdorp rises from those clear brown depths as the speaker ends, "Don't underestimate the power of the Human Will, Fraithorn, for it can remove mountains, and raise the living dead."

In attempting to regain his balance he reeled backward. The woman by this time was right upon him. Unable to tell whether he had really tripped or whether it was a ruse, she stood undecided a moment. That moment proved her undoing. For Hal, spinning on his heel, swept the revolver from her outstretched hand, and with a quick leap seized it himself. "Now, madam," he said calmly.

None the less Foster ran into Thompson as the latter reeled backwards upon Fisher, and, with the fury of a tiger, shoved his own pistol barrel into Thompson's mouth in turn, and fired twice, completing the work Simms had begun.

And in every one the same thing: pushed down to the bottom of a pocket, or with its titlepage protruding, the newspaper was everywhere, just as its article must have been in every memory; and one could imagine the Nabob up above exchanging polite phrases with his guests, while they could have reeled off by heart the atrocious things that had been printed about him.

But now, what with that horrible feeling of nausea which assailed him, what with his miserable brain, which reeled and buzzed and whirled, making vision almost impossible and hearing almost out of the question, he could not, try as he would, collect his scattered wits.

And were those two strangers there men, or were they angels? Was what she saw real, or was it only a fevered vision born of her weakness? Her senses actually reeled to and fro, and she trembled for a moment on the verge of unconsciousness.

For a few terrible seconds Hollis sat in the saddle while the world reeled around him; while the rocks and cliffs danced fantastically. Courage he had to be sure; he had already become resigned to death before the man's rifle, but he had imagined the man to be in full possession of his senses; imagined his death to have been planned out of the deliberate coolness of reason.

"The day is lost, my lord," I cried, "but we have yet time to save you." "Save yourselves, lads," he replied; "you have done everything that men can do, but it remains for me either to die or surrender." "My lord," I cried; but at this moment Dick reeled. "Struck, by George!" he exclaimed, and I caught him as he fell. "See to your comrade," said Lord Stirling; "you have yet time to escape."

This was more than the corporal could stand, and it brought him up all standing he stopped, dropped his wife, and reeled to a chair, for he was so giddy that he could not keep his legs, and so out of breath that he had lost his wind.