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I followed the deserted shell-torn road that led from the level-crossing, searching for a track on the left that would lead to the house I sought. A motor-cyclist, with the blue-and-white band of the Signal Service round his arm, came through the hedge. "Is there a house on top of that hill?" I asked him, after a preliminary flicker of my torch. "Yes, sir." "Is it a red-roofed house?"

Two abreast was uncomfortable, so Antony dropped behind, and further conversation was postponed until they were outside the boundary fence and in the high road. The road sloped gently down to the village of Waldheim a few red-roofed cottages, and the grey tower of a church showing above the green. "Well, now," said Antony, as they stepped out more quickly, "what about Cayley?"

Here and there, where the cutbanks of the river Canyons widened out into sloping valleys, affording possible access to the deep-lying streams, some ranchman had established his headquarters, and his red-roofed, whitewashed buildings flashed back the hot rays which fell from an opalescent heaven.

For who could help experiencing exquisite joy at unearthing trinkets and miniatures and broken memories of such a radiant being? Nuremburg, red-roofed and gleaming in the sunlight, was the place wherein she first saw the light of day.

For this was not the girl whom Perion had loved in far red-roofed Poictesme; this was not the girl for whom Perion had fought ten minutes since: and he as Perion for the first time perceived was not and never could be any more the Perion that girl had bidden return to her. It were as easy to evoke the Perion who had loved Melusine....

"Do they ever live there?" asked Ben. "Bless you, no! They are small affairs, suitable only to spend a few hours in on summer afternoons. There are some beautiful ones on the southern end of the Haarlem Lake now that they've commenced to drain it into polders, it will spoil THAT fun. By the way, we've passed some red-roofed ones since we left home.

It stands well there, doesn't it? at one end of this open place, with its flat, whitewashed façade and tower red-roofed and crowned with a metal cross that glints in the sun the whole building so like in shape to a large white hen, with head erect and crimson comb and wings spread out flat to the ground. The presbytery is close by you cannot miss it.

But only a few miles distant, masked by its frowning front, lay a gayly colored, red-roofed city, besieged by encircling regiments, a broad bay holding a squadron of great war-ships, and gliding cat-like through its choked undergrowth and crouched among the fronds of its motionless palms were the ragged patriots of the Cuban army, silent, watchful, waiting. But the great range gave no sign.

Here, too, in Malines was a most quaint "Beguinage," or asylum, in an old quarter of the town, hidden away amid a network of narrow streets: a community of gentle-mannered, placid-faced women, who dwelt in a semi-religious retirement after the ancient rules laid down by Sainte Begga, in little, low, red-roofed houses ranged all about a grass-grown square.

A strange, Egyptian emerald of new wheat, a certain deep cobalt of cloud shadows, and a ruddy brownness of field and moor are the colors of Lorraine. Here and there, on the meadows of the river and the steep flanks of the hills, were ancient, red-roofed villages. Across the autumnal fields the smoke and flame of squalid Pompey loomed strangely.