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Were it an order to go to Sitka, to the devil, to battle with rebels or Indians, I think you would not hear a whimper from me, but it comes in such a questionable form that, like Hamlet's ghost, it curdles my blood and mars my judgment.

Macbriar was then moved forward to the post of examination. "Were you at the battle of Bothwell Bridge?" was, in like manner, demanded of him. "I was," answered the prisoner, in a bold and resolute tone. "Were you armed?" "I was not I went in my calling as a preacher of God's word, to encourage them that drew the sword in His cause." "In other words, to aid and abet the rebels?" said the Duke.

I ride with a message and it must be of great importance because I was told to go with it at all speed and risk my life for it. I've risked my life already. My horse was shot by a band of rebels, but luckily it was in the woods and I escaped on foot." As he spoke he craftily moved the canteen around until the inscription showed clearly in the bright sunlight.

The Rebels themselves, as has already been noted, by the employment of their Slaves in the construction of earthworks and other fortifications, and even in battle, at Bull Run and elsewhere, against the Union Forces, brought the Thirty-seventh Congress, as well as the Military Commanders, and the President, to an early consideration of the Slavery question.

I was never farther South than this place, and this is my first visit here. My name is Seraine Whitcomb. I am going South to see what I can do to have a young man exchanged who is now a prisoner in the hands of the rebels. "'Is he your brother? I inquired. "She blushed, and replied: "'No, sir, he is not a relative; but one in whom I am much interested.

These plans were laid with the presumption that no very heavy force of Rebels remained north of the Blue Ridge, and none at all north of the Bull Run Mountains. But this was a great mistake.

The day previous, Lieutenant Sturges and Sergeant Lewellen had been out to this place, and had made arrangements to take a lot of corn on the day following, being the one on which the men were taken prisoners. The Rebels were either informed by the owners of the grain, or had got notice of it in some manner, and were lying in wait for our men.

This deputation consisted of Russian nobles of ancient and established rank and consideration in the country, who had volunteered to accompany the general in his expedition. General Gordon himself was one of the hated foreigners, and of course his appearance, if he had gone himself to negotiate with the rebels, would have perhaps only exasperated and inflamed them more than ever.

Lafayette consulted his commander and relative, the Count de Broglie. He on his part did all he could to dissuade the lad; he pointed out that the scheme was Utopian; he showed up its great hazards; he said that there was no advantage to be had in going to the aid of those insignificant rebels that there was no glory to be gained.

Of course this did not indicate that there was any such a preponderance of Republicans among us. It meant simply that the Democratic boys, little as they might have liked Lincoln, would have voted for him a hundred times rather than do anything to please the Rebels. I never heard that the Rebels sent the result North.