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Immediately Bob Ramdell, a youth of sixteen, rushed eagerly out to greet Bert. "I'm glad you've come," he cried. "I've been watching for you for an hour." "It isn't noon yet," answered Bert. All were soon into the house and Sam drove the sleigh around to the barn. Bob Ramdell had a sister Susie, who was almost Nan's age, and a baby brother called Tootsie, although his real name was Alexander.

"You are late after all," said Mr. Bobbsey, rather displeased. "Oh, we've had such an adventure," cried Bert. "What happened to you?" questioned Mrs. Bobbsey quickly. "Rusher threw us into a sand pit," answered Bert, and then told the whole story. "You can be thankful that you were not hurt," said his mamma. "I am thankful, mamma." "Rusher is still full of go," said Mrs. Ramdell.

"You're fine people, you are," and he took off his hat at parting. "It was nice to give him a ride," said Nan. "It didn't cost us anything and he liked it a great deal, I am sure." "We must never forget to do a kindness when we can, Nan," said her mamma. Before noon Dalton was reached and they drove up to the home of Mr. Ramdell, as their friend was named.

"He was running fast enough when he threw us out," answered Bob. It did not take the boys long to get into the cutter again. "Don't let him get away on the road home," sang out Farmer Daly after them. "No fear of that," answered Bob. He was very careful how he let Rusher step out. It was growing late, but Bert did not urge him on, so it was half-past five before the Ramdell house was reached.

Old Rusher was a black steed which, in years gone by, had won many a race on the track. He had belonged to a brother to Mr. Ramdell, who had died rather suddenly two years before. He was, as Bert had said, rather old, but there was still a good deal of fire left in him, as the boys were soon to discover to their cost.

Sleighs were on all sides and, as the two boys drove along, two different sleighing parties passed them. "Hullo, Ramdell!" shouted a young man in a cutter. "Got out old Rusher, I see. Want a race?" "I think I can beat you!" shouted back Bob, and in a moment more the two cutters were side by side, and each horse and driver doing his best to win. "Oh, Bob, can you hold him?" cried Bert.