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The window was opened, and one of the light horse appeared on the balcony. "Well?" said a voice, which the coalheaver and his companion recognized as that of the regent, from the interior of the room. "Well, Simiane, what kind of weather is it?" "Oh!" replied Simiane, "I think it snows." "You think it snows?" "Or rains, I do not know which," continued Simiane.

Bathing in the water which sometimes, after heavy rains, sings in the Pucceia Valley to the east of the monastery, and cuts in rivulets across the road to the Sacro Speco, below Santa Crocella, was the only physical pleasure in which Benedetto allowed himself to indulge.

And those ten heroes covered that single mighty car-warrior with showers of arrows like the clouds showering rain on a mountain cliff in the season of rains. That mighty car-warrior, however, cut off those clouds of shafts shot by them resembling the fatal darts of Death or the very thunder in effulgence, before they could reach him.

From this spot, called the river Petutan, to the river to which Diego de Guzman came, where we heard of Christians, may be as many as eighty leagues; thence to the town where the rains overtook us, twelve leagues, and that is twelve leagues from the South Sea. Throughout this region, wheresoever the mountains extend, we saw clear traces of gold and lead, iron, copper, and other metals.

'Jaw's not such a bad chap after all; worse chaps in the world than Jaw. And his lordship worked away at the point till he very nearly got him up to be a good chap. They say it never rains but it pours, and letters seldom come singly; at least, if they do they are quickly followed by others.

They swarm during the rains; and, when their tough webs are wet, those that lead from the wire to the ground sometimes effectually short circuit the wire. They have on various occasions caused a good deal of trouble in this manner.

"Now, I don't feel a bit nice this morning. It makes me so cross not to be able to go out and get flowers and wild strawberries. And you know at home it hardly ever rains all day." "Gardener says sometimes it rains all over the road," interrupted Olly, "and people can't walk along, and they have to go right up on the mountains to get past the water place.

The peals of thunder had died away into distant mutterings, but it was still raining hard. "Somehow we always get into trouble when it rains," Dimple remarked. "Don't let's talk about that," returned Florence. "See how the raindrops dance up and down. Little water fairies they are. Don't they look as if they were having a good time?" "Yes; but I'm getting hungry.

Some rain all day to day & Cold I walked on Shore Saw Several foxes Several Villages of Prarie dogs, and a number of Grouse I walked out in the morning and Saw Several Villages of those little animals, also a great number of Grous & 3 foxes, and observed Slate & Coal mixed, Some verry high hills on each Side of the river. rains a little all day.

When the rains poured down and the roads were broken up there was no society, not even a newspaper, nothing to be done but to eat coarse food and sleep in bad beds. If there was a laird in the neighbourhood he was apt to be some 'Bumper John' whose first act of hospitality was to make you drunk.