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Knowledge. The action of magnets upon the voltaic arc has been known for a long time past. Davy even succeeded in influencing the latter powerfully enough in this way to divide it, and since his time Messrs. Grove and Quet have studied the effect under different conditions.

We showed him the town, and some of the modest pleasures thereof; we introduced him to the Haunt, and astonished him by the company which he met there. Between Brent's "Deserter" and Mark Wilder's "Garryowen," Florac sang Tiens voici ma pipe, voila mon bri quet; Et quand la Tulipe fait le noir tra jet Que tu sois la seule dans le regi ment Avec la brule-gueule de ton cher z'a mant;

The crown of one is of a flaming red, abruptly succeeded by a shining brown reaching half-way down the back. The remainder of the back, rump, and tail, the extremity of which is edged with black, is of a lively red. The belly is of a somewhat lighter red, the breast reddish-black, the wings brown. This cotinga is a solitary bird, and utters only a monotonous whistle, which sounds like quet.

His crown is flaming red; to this abruptly succeeds a dark shining brown, reaching half-way down the back: the remainder of the back, the rump and tail, the extremity of which is edged with black, are a lively red; the belly is a somewhat lighter red; the breast reddish-black; the wings brown. He has no song, is solitary, and utters a monotonous whistle which sounds like "quet."

He has no song, is solitary, and utters a monotonous whistle which sounds likequet.” He is fond of the seeds of the hitia-tree, and those of the siloabali and bastard-siloabali trees, which ripen in December, and continue on the trees for about two months. He is found throughout the year in Demerara; still nothing is known of his incubation.