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Out of the east came a cloud of dust. The restless eye of Sandersen saw it first, and a harsh shout of joy came from the others. Quade was walking. He lifted his arms to the cloud of dust as if it were a vision of mercy. To Hal Sinclair it seemed that cold water was already running over his tongue and over the hot torment of his foot.

But this was not necessary. The laughter was still in her good-humoured face. Aldous looked at his companion, and he found her smiling back. The eyes of the two women had already met. Briefly Aldous explained what had happened at Quade's, and that the young woman was leaving on the Tête Jaune train. The good-humoured smile left Mrs. Otto's face when he mentioned Quade.

"He thought about that might late," replied Quade. "Waited till he could shift the blame on me and Sandersen, eh? To hell with Lowrie!" "Maybe he's there, all right," said Sinclair, shrugging. "But I've got rid of the yarn, anyway." "Are you going to spread that story around in Sour Creek?" asked Quade softly. "Me? Why, that story was told me confidential by a gent that was about to go out!"

``Yes, said Baron Jauru of Brazil, ``that comes of the greatest lie prevalent in our time the theory that the majority of mankind are WISE; now it is an absolute fact which all history teaches, and to-day even more than ever, that all mankind are FOOLS. ``What you say is true, replied M. de Quade, the Danish minister, ``but it is not the WHOLE truth: constitutional government also goes on the theory that all mankind are GOOD; now it is an absolute fact that all mankind are bad, utterly BAD. ``Yes, said Jauru, ``I accept your amendment; mankind are fools and knaves. To this I demurred somewhat, and quoted Mr.

Stevens eyed him seriously. "I was coming over to give you a bit of advice before I left for the Maligne Lake country," he said. "You'd better move. Quade won't want you around after this. Besides " "What?" "My kid heard something," continued the packer, edging nearer. "You was mighty good to the kid when I was down an' out, Aldous. I ought to tell you.

I wasn't expecting you for a week. To-morrow I was goin' to start on a hike for Miette. I been watching through my telescope from the mountain up there. I see Quade come in this morning on a hand-car. Twice I see him and Rann together. Then I saw Blackton hike out into the bush. I was worrying about you an' wondered if he had any word. So I laid for him on the trail an' I guess it was lucky.

He heard a cry a single shot as he struck the ground. He gathered himself up and ran swiftly. Fifty yards away he stopped, and looked back. Quade and Rann were in the window. Then they disappeared, and a moment later the room was again in gloom. For a second time Aldous hurried in the direction of MacDonald's camp. He knew that, in spite of the protecting curtain, the glass had cut him.

Anyway, there's a big chance of a bunch behind us with special instructions from Quade to cut our throats and keep Joanne." That day Aldous had been turning a question over in his own mind. He asked it now. "Mac, are you sure you can go to the valley of gold without DeBar?" For a long half minute MacDonald looked at him, and then his voice rumbled in a low, exultant laugh in his beard.

Gets her all excited because he's something brand new and different. Quade gets sore, nacherallike. Then he comes to Gaspar and says: 'Cut out this soft talk to Sally, or I'll bust your head. Gaspar don't love Sally, but he's afraid of Quade. He goes and gets a gun. He goes to Quade's house and tries to be friends. Quade kicks him out.

Aldous waited. He heard Joanne's terrified scream when Quade was almost upon him when less than five feet separated them. The club was descending when he flung himself forward, straight for the other's feet. The club crashed over him, and with what strength he had he gripped Quade at the knees. With a tremendous thud Quade came to earth. The club broke from the grip of his hands.