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His hand dropped suddenly and he took a short step forward; six black-robed figures shouldering a long box stepped slowly past him, and his nostrils were assailed by the pungent odor of the incense. Behind them came his fighting punchers, humble, awed, reverent, their sombreros in their hands, and their heads bowed.

Then they drew a rough map of the camp, using the sand for paper, and laid out the plan of attack. As the evening of the next day came on they saw Pie, followed by many punchers, ride over a rise a mile to the south and they rode out to meet him. When the force arrived at the camp of the two scouts they were shown the plan prepared for them.

"In that case," said Rhoda, leading the way out of the car as the train slowed down, "you are going to have plenty of boys to wait on you when you get to Rose Ranch. Those punchers are just dying for feminine 'scenery. I know Ike Bemis once said that he often felt like draping a blanket on an old cow and asking her for a dance." "The idea!" gasped Mrs.

He took the seat at the head of the table, along the benches on both sides of which the punchers were plying busy knives and forks. "A stack of chips," ordered the foreman; and the cook's "Coming up" was scarcely more prompt than the plate of hot cakes he set before the young man. "Hen fruit, sunny side up," shouted Reddy, who was further advanced in his meal.

This manoeuvre was entirely unexpected and clashed violently with Mr. Cassidy's plan of procedure, so two irate punchers swore heartily at their rank stupidity in not counting on it. Of course everybody that knew anything at all about such warfare knew that they would do just such a thing, which made it all the more bitter.

Where the punchers that he hired for thirty dollars a month were decked out in shaps and handkerchiefs he sat in his shirt-sleeves and overalls, with only his high-heeled boots and the enormous black sombrero which he always wore, to mark him for their king.

It makes a heap of difference who your company is, too. Those punchers wouldn't take a chance at me now for a million dollars." "No, they're some haidstrong, but they ain't plumb locoed," agreed Mac. Fifteen minutes later Helen drew up at the line corner. "We'll part company here, Mr. Bannister. I don't think there is any more danger from my men." "Before we part there is something I want to say.

He paused and fixed a speculative eye on Bill Lightfoot. "I reckon that would be considered pretty deep up in Coloraydo," he suggested, and then he began to roll a cigarette. Sitting in rigid postures before the fire the punchers surveyed his face with slow and suspicious glances; and for once Kitty Bonnair was silent, watching his deliberate motions with a troubled frown.

Then they all begun to talk at once, jabbering about the peanuts and popcorn that crowds of people will come to buy from us to feed back to our stock, and how there's more meat in an elephant than in six steers, and about how the punchers will be riding round in these little cupalos up on top of their big saddle elephants; and they kept getting swifter and more excited in their talk, till at last they just naturally exploded when they made sure Safety got the idea and would know he'd been made a fool of.

Overland Red got hurt a little, doin' somethin'. He's all right now." "None of the Moonstone boys were injured?" "Nope. Not a one of us," replied Dime blandly. Walter Stone's eyes twinkled, but he did not smile. "We will call it a vacation this time, with pay. Tell Williams to step in here, please." And the rancher dismissed his embarrassed and happy punchers with a gesture.