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Noble sentiments are not the fashion. The very phrase provokes a smile of ridicule. But I do not know whether the habit of uttering ignoble ones in "chaff" does not at last bring the tone of mind down to the low level.

And now what provokes me more than anything else is that the Match is broke off, and all my Labour thrown away.

And to hear women who are not worthy to tie her shoe, passing their patronising or their disparaging remarks upon her! It incenses me!" "My dear, I thought you were past being incensed at anything yon shallow woman can say." "But she is not the only one. Even Arthur sometimes provokes me.

Its Spirit is like to the other Spirits in operation, but if you can know the right and true Spirit of Mars, I tell you truly, and in true Wisdom, that one grain of its Spirit or Quintessence drunk with the Spirit of Wine, strengthens the Heart, Courage, and Senses, so that you shall fear no Foes; it raises up in him the Courage of a Lion, and provokes a desire to hunt and fight at Venus sports.

The first of pleasures, that which at the outset comprehends all the others, is set about with such perils that it is impossible not to reflect upon the least actions which it provokes, impossible not to calculate all its consequences. These calculations lead to selfishness.

To literature, however, its importance is immense: for literature can make itself independent of spiritual health, and is as much concerned with ideas as with emotions. Literature can subsist in dignity on ideas. Finlay's history of the Byzantine Empire provokes no emotion worth talking about, yet I would give Mr.

"I know he has blossomed out in great splendour on our side of the county, and his daughter is the general wonder. Papa is always declaring he will set up in opposition to you." "Not much fear of that," said Raymond. "But the man provokes me, he has so much apparent seriousness." "Even to the persecution of Dr. Easterby," put in Julius.

D n me! the only thing that provokes me in the whole business is, that I should have been such an old fool as for a moment to doubt Charles." "You should have known him better, sir." "I should, my dear, but I was taken by surprise, you see, and that was wrong, too, for a man who has held a responsible command." "But the circumstances, dear sir, were of a nature to take every one by surprise."

Let either side start a bombardment and the other responds. There is a you-hit-me-and-I'll-hit-you character about siege warfare. Gun-fire provokes gun-fire. Neither adversary stays quiet under a blow. It was not long before we heard the whish of German shells passing some distance away. They say sport is out of war. Perhaps, but not its enthralling and horrible fascination.

This is that which, together with the fear of God, makes them avoid all things that may give just offence or grief to one another, and that which provokes them to follow after the things that make for peace and edification. Love is the bond of peace.