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'When I come to think of the abuse the pulpit made of its influence, says Paul Botha, 'I feel as if I cannot find words strong enough to express my indignation. God's word was prostituted. A religious people's religion was used to urge them to their destruction.

The general orders were also issued through the medium of the press, and a vigilant eye was kept upon it, to prevent the appearance of any thing which could tend to shake those principles of morality and subordination, on the due preservation of which depended the individual happiness, and the public security of the settlement; and which could be in no danger of subversion, until the press should become prostituted to base designs a period much and sincerely to be deprecated by every real friend to the colony.

Jethro Fawe the thought of the man revolted him; and yet there was something about the fellow, a temperamental power, the glamour and garishness of Nature's gifts, prostituted though they were, finding expression in a striking personality, in a body of athletic grace a man-beauty. "Have you seen Jethro Fawe lately?" he asked.

"I am he whom you sold and dishonored I am he whose betrothed you prostituted I am he upon whom you trampled that you might raise yourself to fortune I am he whose father you condemned to die of hunger I am he whom you also condemned to starvation, and who yet forgives you, because he hopes to be forgiven I am Edmond Dantes!" Danglars uttered a cry, and fell prostrate.

It seemed to him a choice between Pompey and Caesar; and he probably hoped to be able so far to influence the former, as to preserve some shadow of a constitution for Rome. What he saw in those "dregs of a Republic", as he himself calls it, that was worth preserving; how any honest despotism could seem to him more to be dreaded than that prostituted liberty, this is harder to comprehend.

All, with unanimous action, opened their garments and gave to sight their withered bodies, eaten with worms, putrefied, crumbling to dust, rotten with horrible diseases. "You lead the nations to Death," Wilfrid said to them. "You have depraved the earth, perverted the Word, prostituted justice. After devouring the grass of the fields you have killed the lambs of the fold.

The fairest of their wives and daughters were prostituted to the embraces of the tyrant; and afterwards abandoned to a ferocious troop of Barbarians and assassins, the black, or swarthy, natives of the desert; whom Gildo considered as the only of his throne.

Has a Roman no right to curse when people say to him in the Forum: 'Dismount from your horse, for your daughter has lost her honour! Can I show myself anywhere in Rome without witnessing my disgrace? Is not her name prostituted in all the shameless verses of an Ævius and Mavius? Did she not appear in the amphitheatre in a pantomime before the exulting, roaring populace?

There is eulogium here, a recognition of splendid qualities, prostituted to low purposes; a recognition of wisdom in the adaptation of means to an end; and a limitation of the recognition, because it is only in their generation that 'the children of this world are wiser than the children of light. I. So we may look, first, at these two classes, which our Lord opposes here to one another.

The boy thing out a hand, and a smile lit his tired features for a moment as he welcomed the man who had always been something of a hero to him. He had hastily slipped on his trousers and thrust his feet into shoes. His pajama jacket was open, revealing the naked flesh underneath. Nor could Kars help but admire the physique now being so rapidly prostituted.