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The skull of this fossil is a regular oval, or rather ovoid. It exhibits no prominent cheekbones, no projecting jaws. It presents no appearance of that prognathism which diminishes the facial angle. Measure that angle. It is nearly ninety degrees.

=The Face.= Scanty beard; abundant hair, prognathism, thick lips, dull eye, lemurian appendix to the jaw, pteleriform type of the nasal opening, projecting ears, squinting eyes, receding forehead and deformed nose.

Most of them spoke in low tones; but one a blond Jew of middle age was raving in uncontrolled anger, careless of what he said or of who heard him. He was short of stature with protruding bloodshot eyes, an undulating nose, slightly prognathous muzzle and full lips, and a harsh red moustache which enhanced the prognathism.

"How little constant are cranial peculiarities and other so-called race characters! Language, on the other hand, is always a perfectly constant diagnostic. A German may occasionally compete in hair and prognathism with a negro, but a negro language will never be his mother tongue.

The so-called prognathism of the Bantu has been cited as a racial mark denoting comparative nearness to the brutes, but when it is noted that anthropologists differ among themselves as to what constitutes this feature, whether it is to be measured from points above or below the nose or both, and when we are informed in some text books that while the negroes are prognathous, bushmen must be classed with Europeans as being the opposite, that is, orthognathous, and when, added to this, we learn from other quarters that white women are, on the average, more prognathous than white men, then the significance of this distinction, which in any case is not regarded as being relative to cranical capacity, is seen to be more apparent than real.

The greater this angle, the higher intelligence denoted by the formation of the skull. Prognathism is that projection of the jaw-bones which sharpens or lessons this angle, and which is illustrated in the negro countenance and in the lowest savages. The Professor ceased to speak, and the audience broke out into loud and unanimous applause.

In twenty per cent of the men the root of the nose seemed to be continuous with the supra-orbital ridge, which, in such cases, was strongly marked. In general the root of the nose is broad, low, and depressed, and there is a tendency for the ridge to be somewhat concave. The lips are thick and bowed, but there is little or no prognathism.

Prognathism is not uncommon in Japan, especially among the lower classes. 13 If one should ask you concerning the heart of a true Japanese, point to the wild cherry flower glowing in the sun. 14 There are three noteworthy varieties: one bearing red, one pink and white, and one pure white flowers.

Second, his prognathism, or projection of the jaws his index of facial angle being about 70, as compared with the Caucasian 82. Third, his weight of brain average European 45 ounces, negro 35, highest gorilla 20. Fourth, his short, flat, snub nose, deeply depressed at the base, wide and with dilated nostrils at the extremity. Fifth, his thick protruding lips.

Canton mentions arrest of development of the left perpendicular ramus of the lower jaw combined with malformation of the external ear. Exaggerated prominence of the maxillaries is called prognathism; that of the superior maxilla is seen in the North American Indians. Inferior prognathism is observed in man as well as in animals.